This press release from a coalition of Kenyan civil society groups celebrates a success in an election-year campaign led by 2013 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Maureen Milanga to secure commitments to good HIV policy by political candidates. The pledge by Prime Minister Raila Odinga committed his administration, if elected, to provide universal access to antiretroviral therapy and to spend 15 percent of the national budget on healthcare.
Press Statement from Kenya AIDS Civil Society AIDS Groups Cheer First Major New Commitment by Presidential Candidate
Online CHAIN MSM Survey: Willingness and influencing factors for usage of PrEP among MSM
This study of 760 men who have sex with men in China, conducted by 2013 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Cai Lingping, finds high acceptability of pre-exposure prophylaxis. The survey also assessed how well informed respondents were about PrEP and examined factors that would make them more or less willing to take it.
HIV Civil Society Recommendations for Kenya’s New Health Secretary and Global Fund Application
This letter, written by a civil society coalition co-led by 2013 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Maureen Milanga, summarizes concerns and demands related to Kenya’s 2013 application to the Global Fund. The letter was sent during the Global Fund’s transition to its New Funding Model and includes guidance to the Government of Kenya on how to navigate the new system to secure support for ambitious treatment scale-up in the wake of new WHO treatment guidelines.
The Change We Need to End AIDS in Uganda: A civil society analysis of the state of Uganda’s AIDS response
This document, developed by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, identifies failures in the Ugandan AIDS response and a 10-point plan to end the country’s epidemic.
Letter to Ambassador Goosby on PEPFAR and the national response to HIV in Uganda in 2012-13
This letter, written by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, summarizes concerns and demands related to the US PEPFAR program’s 2012 Country Operating Plan. A country operating plan dictates the scope, funding levels and targets of PEPFAR programming on an annual basis.
Community Involvement in HIV Prevention Research: Experiences and perceptions of communities participating in the MDP 301 microbicide trial in Masaka, Uganda
This case study by 2010 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Richard Hasunira assesses the community engagement efforts of the Masaka trial site through interviews with participants, trial staff, and other stakeholders. It highlights success that other trials should replicate and lessons learned from shortcomings.
MUWRP/AVAC: Biomedical HIV Prevention Research Stakeholder Training Resource
This manual, developed by 2010 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Jauhara Nanyondo, is an HIV prevention literacy tool intended to improve reporting by Ugandan media. It covers background information on HIV, provides an overview of existing and emerging prevention options, and discusses clinical research process and ethics.
2005 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccines at the Crossroads
This year’s Report offers recommendations for the field in general, the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, policy makers, researchers and communities. Some of these recommendations will be familiar because AVAC has made them before, and they are reiterated because it is AVAC’s belief that they are still needed. The Report also provides an update on tenofovir pre-exposure prophylaxis research.
2004 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccine Trials: Getting the Global House in Order
This year’s Report focuses on how the field is readying itself for the road ahead. Several chapters address different aspects of “readiness”—a term that means different things to different people, but that is at the heart of the AIDS vaccine advocacy agenda today.
From Research to Reality: Investing in HIV Prevention Research in a Challenging Landscape
This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. The 2013 report finds that the US government was again the biggest contributor and calls for other countries and sectors to step up to end a seven-year trend of flat funding. It also profiles growing interest in research on a therapeutic vaccines.