The GPP Blueprint is a companion to the Good Participatory Practice guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention research. It is a step-by-step guide designed for the research team members in charge of stakeholder engagement. It presents questions, worksheets and explanations that can guide and generate a stakeholder engagement plan for a specific trial or research program.
GPP Blueprint for Stakeholder Engagement
Female-Initiated HIV Prevention: What will we learn from upcoming trials?
A 2007 document developed in anticipation of data from the Carraguard microbicide and MIRA diaphragm trials of women-initiated prevention strategies. It contains explanations of trial design and possible outcomes.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Critical actions from 2012-2016 to begin to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic
Released at AIDS 2012, this report lays out a plan for beginning to end HIV/AIDS. It includes clear time-bound outcome targets, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders to achieve these targets.
Anticipo de los Resultados de Ensayos de PrEP: Una poderosa herramienta nueva para la prevención del VIH podría estar cerca. ¿Estamos preparados para ella?
A 2008 document providing background information on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and discussing efficacy trials that were then planned and ongoing. It discusses the research agenda and key advocacy priorities to move PrEP research forward.
Trials of Intermittent Dosing of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Summary from an AVAC think tank
Four-page summary of 2008 meeting on possibilities for intermittent PrEP research.
Anticipating the Results of PrEP Trials: A powerful new HIV prevention tool may be on the horizon. Are we prepared?
A 2008 document providing background information on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and discussing efficacy trials that were then planned and ongoing. It discusses the research agenda and key advocacy priorities to move PrEP research forward.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report
The first update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations.
PrEP Financing in the US: Summary from an AVAC think tank
A six-page summary of an AVAC-convened think tank exploring possibilities of financing for PrEP in the United States.
A New Way to Protect Against HIV? Understanding the Results of Male Circumcision Studies
A 2007 document discussing the results of three large efficacy trials of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) as an HIV prevention strategy. It proposes key priorities for additional research and preparing for implementation.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report
The second update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations.