GPP Training Session 13: Close of GPP training and post-test

Training Session #13 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer to lead participants through the closing of a training and the post-test.  

GPP Training Agenda: Introductory training

Sample agenda for AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum outlining an introductory training. It outlines a program of GPP training sessions for beginner level trainers—those that are learning about GPP for the first or initial time, or who may not necessarily be primary GPP implementers.

GPP Training Agenda: Standard training

Sample agenda for a day-and-a-half workshop on the GPP guidelines designed to provide research site staff with an understanding of the main concepts of the GPP guidelines. It can also be used to train community stakeholders, such as community advisory boards (CABs), civil-society groups, community leaders and others who collaborate with research teams in the context of a biomedical HIV prevention trial.

GPP Training Agenda: Advanced training

Sample agenda for a two-day workshop that provides an in-depth introduction to the GPP guidelines. This agenda, which references activities contained in GPP Training Tools prepares participants to facilitate GPP training sessions.

GPP Training Curriculum Overview

A short overview of AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum, explaining to potential trainers how to use training components, including sessions. It links users to sessions and sample agendas to help plan a GPP training.

GPP Training Session 4: Find your match

Training Session #4 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants learn the definitions of the 16 topic areas from Section 3 of the GPP Guidelines.

GPP Training Session 3: GPP principles bingo

Training Session #3 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session focused on the GPP principles from Section 2 of the GPP Guidelines. 

GPP Training Session 2: Agree or disagree

Training Session #2 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting an a session which leads participants through a series of debates about fundamental GPP concepts. 

GPP Training Session 1: Introduction to GPP training and pre-test

Training Session #1 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting an introduction session and pre-test in a GPP training workshop.