We know that an AIDS vaccine is possible and that a vaccine will be an important part of a long-term strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. The road ahead is long, but clinical trials—even those with disappointing results—and early-stage research provide critical clues to the way forward.
Vaccine Strategies in Clinical Trials (2016)
HIV Vaccine Research: An Update
A quick, colorful and comprehensive overview of HIV vaccine research. Four pages, five top-line updates, this is a speedy read, designed to give a sense of the momentum and major issues coming up in the year to come.
Anatomy of a Target – Treatment U=U
In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.
In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at antiretroviral therapy and Treatment U=U.
Anatomy of a Target – PrEP
In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.
In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at PrEP.
Anatomy of a Target – VMMC
In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.
In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at VMMC.
Anatomy of a Target – DREAMS
In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.
In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at the DREAMS program.
The New Context for HIV Prevention: Is the world on target?
In this issue of Px Wire, our centerspread graphic looks at the sum total of the new targets and guidelines and gives our “take” on whether the current context is on target.
2015 Update on the Rectal Microbicide Pipeline: New Agents, New Formulations
The field has spent several intense years studying tenofovir gel as a rectal microbicide, and we all look forward to the results (due early 2016) of the world’s first Phase II rectal microbicide trial MTN 017 which tested a reduced glycerin formulation of tenofovir gel.
But there is a lot more going on than tenofovir gel!
In this webinar, hosted by IRMA and AVAC, we looked at new rectal agents in development, including the antiretroviral drug Dapivirine and Griffithsin, a potent, anti-HIV protein derived from red algae. We also discussed plans for developing new microbicide formulations like rectal douches.
New Frontiers in HIV Prevention, Treatment and Cure: An advocate’s webinar on passive immunization
This webinar focused on “passive immunization”—a scientific term for an expanding area of research that’s highly relevant to treatment, prevention and cure work. There are trials in humans happening in many regions of the world—and data are beginning to come in that advocates need to understand, analyze and consider. The webinar featured Dr. Sarah Schlesinger (Rockefeller University) who provided an overview of recent developments across the field including new published data.
Vaccine Research: An overview
This graphic shows the big picture of AIDS vaccine concepts and clinical trials in process and on the horizon. It is an internationally simplified representation of a complex field. Some approaches are not listed, and related arenas like and cure research are omitted.