Appearing in AVAC Report 2014/2015: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic shows how a target was set and met to provide ART Treatment U=U to 3 million people.
A Target That Worked: 3 by 5
New HIV Infections in Low-and Middle-Income Countries by Scenario
Appearing in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic illustrates how different combinations of interventions affect rates of HIV acquisition.
Targets that Require Work: PrEP and Combination Prevention
Targets are urgently needed for daily oral PrEP and combination prevention. This graphic, from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, proposes goals and shows what’s in place and what is missing today.
Past Success, Present Gaps: VMMC targets, 2011 and today
VMMC (VMMC) is a highly effective HIV prevention strategy that has benefited from ambitious target setting that ticked all the boxes—investment, political will and evidence. This graphic is from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line.
AVAC Report 2014/15: Prevention on the Line [Executive Summary]
This executive summary, excerpted from AVAC Report 2014/15, puts the current discussion about global targets for ending AIDS in context. What makes a good target? What targets have worked in the past—and why? What is the state of HIV prevention targets and plans today?
Essential Actions for HIV Prevention Research Rollout 2014/15
This updated version of AVAC’s 3D graphic shows priorities across the research-to-rollout spectrum. The graphic appears in AVAC Report 2014/15: Prevention on the Line.
What do women want in multipurpose technologies?
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) are a fast-growing area in women’s sexual and reproductive health. On November 12, AVAC and CAMI Health co-hosted a webinar: MPT Acceptability in Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa.
PrEP by the Numbers: Efficacy, regulatory approval and more
PrEP works if you take it. The figures on this graphic show the relationship between PrEP efficacy and adherence and the status of regulatory action on PrEP worldwide. It also shows other potential new formulations of ARV-based prevention being evaluated as additional options in the future.
The Tipping Point: Moving From Rhetoric to Real Milestones for Ending AIDS
One way to measure progress in fighting AIDS is to compare the number of new HIV infections with the increase in HIV positive people on antiretroviral therapy (ART) over a given time period. An AIDS epidemic reaches its “tipping point” when the number of annual new HIV infection falls below the annual increase in patients starting ART. This poster was presented at the 2014 HIV Research for Prevention Conference in South Africa.
Resource Tracking to Ensure Accountability and Sustainability: HIV Prevention, Treatment U=U, Diagnostics and Cure Research Investment Analysis
This infographic explains how AVAC tracks HIV expenditures and investments. This has resulted in accurate and consistent year-to-year comparisons of grants and investment figures. This poster was presented at the 2014 HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) conference in South Africa.