GPP Training Curriculum Overview

A short overview of AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum, explaining to potential trainers how to use training components, including sessions. It links users to sessions and sample agendas to help plan a GPP training.

Female-Initiated HIV Prevention: What will we learn from upcoming trials?

A 2007 document developed in anticipation of data from the Carraguard microbicide and MIRA diaphragm trials of women-initiated prevention strategies. It contains explanations of trial design and possible outcomes.

An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Critical actions from 2012-2016 to begin to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic

Released at AIDS 2012, this report lays out a plan for beginning to end HIV/AIDS. It includes clear time-bound outcome targets, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders to achieve these targets.

An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report

The first update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations. 

An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report

The second update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations. 

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Device Evaluations Map and Table

One-page resource on non-surgical device evaluation in Africa as of late 2013. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Non-Surgical Devices for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention

Basic information on non-surgical devices with a focus on the implications of WHO prequalification and next steps for product introduction. 

An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Where are we in realizing the promise of beginning to end AIDS?

Issued in 2013, a year after An Action Agenda to End AIDS was first published, this document gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations. 

From Research to Reality: Investing in HIV prevention research in a challenging landscape

Summary of findings from report on 2012 investment and funding trends in HIV prevention research and development (R&D).

Adherence in HIV Prevention Research: A primer for HIV prevention advocates

A two-page resource providing simple explanations of how adherence is defined and measured in biomedical HIV prevention trials, with a focus on PrEP and microbicides.