There is a serious dearth of data on a range of factors affecting women and girls that must be addressed. Effective programs require data on characteristics such as education, employment, HIV status and health outcomes. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Broad Data Needs for Women and Girls
Demographic Shift in Southern Africa: 10- to 29-year-olds
Early gains in the fight against HIV could be lost if the growing population of young women in sub-Saharan Africa is neglected. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016 Big Data Real People.
Unnecessary Confusion on Hormonal Contraception and HIV: WHO must act now
The question of whether specific contraceptive methods, particularly the injectable progestogen-only method known as DMPA or Depo-Provera, affect women’s risk of HIV is complex and, for the moment, unanswered. And the WHO has added to the complexit with a layer of completely preventable confusion.
This graphic was excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Second European HIV Prevention Summit Meeting Report
In January 2016, the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and AVAC jointly convened the second European HIV Prevention Summit in Brussels. This meeting brought pharmaceutical companies, public health experts, academics and leading scientists in the field of prevention research together with over 50 European community-based advocates for three days of information exchange and debate. The four-page executive summary is attached. The meeting agenda and slide presentations from the meeting are available for download at
Six Things to Know About PrEP
Six things to know about PrEP. For more information on PrEP, visit PrEPWatch.
Prevention Now: An Integration Agenda For Women, By Women
The Prevention Now report is the product of a meeting convened by CHANGE and AVAC in June 2015 in Nairobi. Advocates from across sub-Saharan Africa and the US leading advocacy efforts on sexual and reproductive health and rights, HIV prevention and treatment, gender based violence, sex worker rights, youth health and rights, maternal health and abortion access organizations came together to develop an advocacy agenda around integration.
Breaking Regulatory Barriers for Greater Female Condom Access
A variety of safe and effective female condoms currently exist. However, regulatory hurdles limit new products from entering consumer markets. With the pipeline of new receptive-partner initiated condoms growing, advocates must understand how regulatory issues determine product introduction and approval in their country.
Receptive partner-initiated condoms in development
Link between regulatory environment and female condom access
Current regulatory issues and obstacles
Unique advocacy opportunity to break barriers to existing female condoms and pave the way for emerging internal condoms
You can watch the webinar here.
Vaccines in Vivo: Advances in AIDS Vaccine Research
On May 18, advocates around the world observed HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD)—an annual commemoration of the need for and commitment to the ongoing search for a vaccine. AVAC convened a webinar—Vaccines in Vivo: Advances in AIDS Vaccine Research—and updated a number of materials, including our “HVAD Toolkit” for those interested in easy-to-digest research updates. This year brought the launch of long-awaited initiation of clinical trials building on positive results from the RV144 “Thai” trial. This effort is led by the Pox-Protein Public-Private Partnership (P5), including the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, who joined the webinar to provide a status update of their current vaccine research and development program. We also featured Janssen, part of Johnson & Johnson, to provide an overview of the research program they are moving forward that focuses on a cross-clade vaccine product.
Follow the Money: Knowns and unknowns when it comes to cash transfers and financial incentives to improve health in people living with and/or at risk of HIV
This webinar featured Wafaa El-Sadr, principal investigator of HPTN 065, which evaluated the use of cash incentives in improving outcomes for people living with HIV in the United States.
These were useful talks from CROI and excerpts from AVAC Report 2014/15 as preparation for our webinar:
CROI Webcast: Effect of Financial Incentives on Linkage to Care and Viral Suppression: HPTN 065
CROI Webcast: Social Protection, Financial Incentives and Prevention of HIV
Excerpts from AVAC Report on target setting and targets that worked
Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis – Putting a new choice in context
The World Health Organization (WHO) released updated guidance in late 2015 on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), containing tenofovir (TDF), as an additional HIV prevention choice. The new guidance is significantly broader than previously and creates real opportunities to move forward with implementing PrEP as part of comprehensive HIV programmes.
This publication, produced collaboratively between UNAIDS, WHO and AVAC, is intended to complement WHO recommendations and support the optimal use of oral PrEP to protect individuals and contribute to ending the AIDS epidemic.