GPP Overview PowerPoint

The GPP Overview PowerPoint contains 35 slides that users can draw from when introducing the Good Participatory Practice guidelines.  The PowerPoint contains slides on the history and content of the guidelines, who the intended user is,  the role and importance of GPP in the field and strategies for effective use. The slide deck is broken into sections allowing slides can be rearranged or deleted to make a complete presentation.  

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document defines PrEP, reviews the scientific evidence to date, and outlines key research, regulatory and advocacy issues going forward. This factsheet is part of a series on emerging HIV prevention strategies.

Treatment as Prevention: An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document defines treatment as prevention, reviews the scientific evidence behind it, and outlines implementation advocacy priorities. The factsheet is part of a series on emerging HIV prevention strategies.

Microbicides for HIV Prevention: An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document defines microbicides and reviews the state of research on some leading candidates.

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs): An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document makes the case for why women need prevention options that protect them against multiple risks—HIV, STIs and/or pregnancy—and discusses the products that are being studied for this purpose. The factsheet is part of a series on emerging HIV prevention strategies.

2005 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccines at the Crossroads

This year’s Report offers recommendations for the field in general, the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, policy makers, researchers and communities. Some of these recommendations will be familiar because AVAC has made them before, and they are reiterated because it is AVAC’s belief that they are still needed. The Report also provides an update on tenofovir pre-exposure prophylaxis research.

2004 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccine Trials: Getting the Global House in Order

This year’s Report focuses on how the field is readying itself for the road ahead. Several chapters address different aspects of “readiness”—a term that means different things to different people, but that is at the heart of the AIDS vaccine advocacy agenda today.

2013 AVAC Report: Research and Reality

Research & Reality calls on funders and researchers to capitalize on lessons learned from a range of recent HIV prevention trials via better problem solving, more critical thinking and coordinated action. This year’s AVAC Report identifies progress and gaps in large-scale human trials, rollout of proven options and ongoing research for new advances that women and men will want to use.

2012 AVAC Report: Achieving the End—One Year and Counting

AVAC Report 2012, Achieving the End—One Year and Counting, sets a clock on the global drive to end the AIDS epidemic. The past twelve months have seen remarkable global consensus that it is possible to begin to end the epidemic. The same time period has seen concepts like “combination prevention” and “treatment as prevention” capture the world’s attention. But without specific interim goals—and far more precision about what combination prevention and other key concepts mean—the lofty goal of ending the epidemic will not be achieved.

2011 AVAC Report: The End?

The AVAC Report 2011, The End?, lays out a three-part, science-based agenda for ending the AIDS epidemic in our lifetimes. It synthesizes the actions need across the spectrum of existing, emerging and long-term biomedical HIV prevention tools that could change the AIDS response forever. This year’s Report also introduces the AVAC “Playbook” which is a new strategic document identifying global and organizational priorities for the year 2012.