Released at AIDS 2012, this report lays out a plan for beginning to end HIV/AIDS. It includes clear time-bound outcome targets, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders to achieve these targets.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Critical actions from 2012-2016 to begin to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic
Trials of Intermittent Dosing of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Summary from an AVAC think tank
Four-page summary of 2008 meeting on possibilities for intermittent PrEP research.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report
The first update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations.
PrEP Financing in the US: Summary from an AVAC think tank
A six-page summary of an AVAC-convened think tank exploring possibilities of financing for PrEP in the United States.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Quarterly monitoring report
The second update to An Action Agenda to End AIDS gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations.
An Action Agenda to End AIDS: Where are we in realizing the promise of beginning to end AIDS?
Issued in 2013, a year after An Action Agenda to End AIDS was first published, this document gives a status report on key actions and provides priority recommendations.
A Call to Action on Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Implementing a key component of combination HIV prevention
A comprehensive 2012 report from civil society about the state of voluntary medical male circumcision in Africa. Includes priority recommendations and in-depth discussion of factors influencing national scale-up efforts.
A Call to Action on Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Executive Summary
This is the executive summary of a 2012 joint civil society report on voluntary medical male circumcision. The document focuses on priority recommendations for action.
Influencing PEPFAR COPs: An Advocate’s Guide
A two-page resource designed for advocates working in the US and in countries receiving PEPFAR funding. It contains background information and an infographic on how PEPFAR Country Operating Plans are developed and how advocates can influence them.
Selected Trials of Long-Acting Injectables for Prevention and/or Treatment U=U of HIV
This Px Wire graphic from April-June 2014 Volume 7 No. 2 identifies selected trials of long-acting injectables in development for prevention and/or Treatment U=U of HIV.