Mind the Gap

This graphic, presented in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows all the components of a comprehensive response to end the epidemic.

Targets that Worked

As seen in this graphic from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, ambitious coverage targets that are well-defined in terms of the components of service delivery, impact and populations and need led to success for VMMC (VMMC) and antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Change in Funding for Civil Society Organizations for Human Rights-Related Work

This graphic, presented in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows the change in funding for civil society organizations for human-rights related work.

AVAC Report 2014/15: Prevention on the Line [Executive Summary]

This executive summary, excerpted from AVAC Report 2014/15, puts the current discussion about global targets for ending AIDS in context. What makes a good target? What targets have worked in the past—and why? What is the state of HIV prevention targets and plans today?

Essential Actions for HIV Prevention Research Rollout 2014/15

This updated version of AVAC’s 3D graphic shows priorities across the research-to-rollout spectrum. The graphic appears in AVAC Report 2014/15: Prevention on the Line.

What do women want in multipurpose technologies?

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) are a fast-growing area in women’s sexual and reproductive health. On November 12, AVAC and CAMI Health co-hosted a webinar: MPT Acceptability in Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa.

Increasing National Impact and Uptake of Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for Biomedical HIV Prevention (GPP): Three Country Case Studies

GPP provides a systematic framework for stakeholder engagement. This infographic examines how GPP was applied to the national trial oversight process in three countries: Uganda, Thailand, and South Africa. The timline plots key GPP activities and milestones from 2011-2014. This poster was presented at the 2014 HIV Research for Prevention conference in South Africa.

Innovation in Stakeholder Engagement: Piloting a Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit

The M&E toolkit was developed to better understand and assess the impact of engagement on clinical trials and communities. The tools and web-based analysis database were piloted in South Africa and Kenya. This poster, presented at the 2014 HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) conference in South Africa, outlines the process and lessons learned.

Homophobic legislation and its Impact on Human Security

This report by the MSMGF explores the circumstances around the enactment of new anti-homosexual legislation in Nigeria and Uganda, examining five categories of insecurity faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the context of these laws.

Data and Uncertainty: Understanding updates on hormonal contraceptives and HIV

AIDS 2014 featured analyses of data on the potential relationship between hormonal contraceptives and risk of HIV infection. Researchers Charles Morrison (FHI 360) and Kristin Wall (Emory University), and Mary Lyn Gaffield from the WHO discussed the newest findings and guidance.