Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Arabic)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

2007 AVAC Report: Resetting the Clock

The three sections of this year’s report outline some specific deadlines and challenges in AIDS vaccine scientific strategy, clinical trials, and the broader realm of HIV prevention. These arenas mesh like watch gears, and must function just as smoothly if the field is to proceed.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Vietnamese)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Chinese)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Spanish)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

2006 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccines: The Next Frontiers

In this report, AVAC offers its first contribution to the scenario planning critical to the success of the field. The next several years bring a variety of scenarios which cannot be encountered unprepared. Instead, the AIDS vaccine field, and the field of prevention research in general, must engage in rigorous debate, dialogue and scenario planning which anticipates the issues that the next few years will bring, and ensures that the wide range of stakeholders are informed and empowered to make decisions to compete against the virus. In this report, four thought-provoking chapters are presented, each of which begins with a future scenario that considers how the world might look in five or six or ten years’ time.

GPP Circles Diagram

The Circle Diagram tool is a four-page facilitator’s guide for an exercise designed to help participants raise and explore priority issues for HIV prevention research. It can be used to help define linkages between different issues and build support for a specific research project or trial. This is designed as a companion tool to the GPP Blueprint, a comprehensive guide for developing a stakeholder engagement plan. 

Community Mapping Tool

This tool walks trial teams through a step-by-step process for mapping where individuals who may be engaged in research live, work and access services. This is designed as a companion tool to the GPP Blueprint, a comprehensive guide for developing a stakeholder engagement plan.

GPP Strengths and Gaps

GPP Strengths and Gaps is a facilitator’s guide for an exercise that is designed to help evaluate GPP implementation at a site level. It can be used with community and trial participants to garner honest feedback and constructive suggestions for improvements. 

GPP Listing, Scoring, Ranking

This nine-page tool is a facilitator’s guide for an exercise developed by the site staff of the Microbicide Development Program in Tanzania. The activity can be used to engage community members, trial participants or staff members. It uses various participatory approaches to encourage participants to share their issues and concerns, debate amongst themselves and identify priority actions for the research site. This is designed as a companion tool to the GPP Blueprint, a comprehensive guide for developing a stakeholder engagement plan.