The GPP Summary Sheets offer an at-a-glance look at the GPP guidelines for individuals who may not be primarily responsible for implementing GPP, but who need to understand them. They are organized according to the stages of the trial life cycle: planning, trial conduct and post-trial. Each stage outlines GPP topic areas, highlights key practices, and lists considerations for various stakeholders.
GPP Summary Sheets
Stakeholder Interview Questions
The Stakeholder Interview Questions is a tool that is designed for trial site staff. It guides members of the research team through the process of conducting a one-on-one interview with a stakeholder. The tool provides guidance for talking with many different types of stakeholders. It can be used to evaluate the impact of stakeholder engagement efforts.
Report of Community Consultation Among Young Women Living with HIV Currently Accessing PMTCT Services in Benue, Edo, Akwa-Ibom and Lagos States
A 7-page document developed by 2013 AVAC Fellow Oladayo Taiwo Oyelakin identifying challenges women face in access PMTCT services in Nigeria. This report used a community community consultation framework to identify barriers and provide recommendations.
Comment Letter to Ambassador Goosby on Draft PEPFAR Country Operational Plan for Zambia
This four-page letter on behalf of the civil society coalition in Zambia discusses recommendations for PEPFAR’s Country Operating Plan. The letter calls for stronger benchmarks and increased investment in several HIV prevention modalities.
GPP Training Session 5: The GPP journey
Training Session #5 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session examining the most optimal stakeholder engagement practices using short vignettes linked to the 16 GPP topic areas.
GPP Training Session 6: Case studies
Training Session #6 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants examine several case studies and respond with potential GPP strategies for engaging stakeholders.
GPP Training Session 7: GPP cabbage
Training Session #7 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants answer questions about GPP concepts, building skills in explaining stakeholder engagement.
GPP Training Session 8: Where do we fall on the grid
Training Session #8 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants learn about the principle of mutual understanding. They practice determining whether certain individuals need to increase understanding of research and/or the surrounding environment.
GPP Training Session 9: Stakeholder layers
Training Session #9 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants examine various layers of research stakeholders, giving examples of each, and examining why each may be important to the research process.
GPP Training Session 10: Hot seat
Training Session #10 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants practice answering questions of increasing level of difficulty about GPP in order to build their skills as trainers and GPP experts. This session is optimal for a GPP Training of Trainers workshop or an advanced level training.