Training Session #2 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting an a session which leads participants through a series of debates about fundamental GPP concepts.
GPP Training Session 2: Agree or disagree
GPP Training Session 3: GPP principles bingo
Training Session #3 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session focused on the GPP principles from Section 2 of the GPP Guidelines.
GPP Training Session 4: Find your match
Training Session #4 from AVAC’s Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Training Curriculum. It provides instructions to a GPP trainer for conducting a session where participants learn the definitions of the 16 topic areas from Section 3 of the GPP Guidelines.
PrEP: A new option for women for safer loving
A brochure designed for women who want information on whether PrEP is the right prevention option for them.
Influencing PEPFAR COPs: An Advocate’s Guide
A two-page resource designed for advocates working in the US and in countries receiving PEPFAR funding. It contains background information and an infographic on how PEPFAR Country Operating Plans are developed and how advocates can influence them.
Adherence in HIV Prevention Research: A primer for HIV prevention advocates
A two-page resource providing simple explanations of how adherence is defined and measured in biomedical HIV prevention trials, with a focus on PrEP and microbicides.
Making Medical Male Circumcision Work for Women
A guide to VMMC for women. This report discusses the benefits male circumcision can have for women’s health as well as ways women can advocate and support the implementation of this HIV prevention method.
Advocacy in Action: The Basics in Building Advocacy Campaigns Around HIV Prevention Research
The PowerPoint discusses the goals of advocacy in HIV prevention research. The PowerPoint can be used to remind advocates of their passion or to explain what HIV prevention advocacy is for individuals new to the field.
The Importance of Location and Population to the HIV Response
This graphic from AVAC’s Microbicides by the Numbers one-pager shows on which populations the burden of the epidemic falls in different regions.
AVAC Playbook 2012
AVAC Playbook 2012 includes AVAC’s analysis of what the top strategic goals should be on a global level, and particularly in hard-hit countries, over the year 2012. It also includes AVAC’s organizational priorities for contributing to these goals.