2007 AVAC Report: Resetting the Clock

The three sections of this year’s report outline some specific deadlines and challenges in AIDS vaccine scientific strategy, clinical trials, and the broader realm of HIV prevention. These arenas mesh like watch gears, and must function just as smoothly if the field is to proceed.

2006 AVAC Report: AIDS Vaccines: The Next Frontiers

In this report, AVAC offers its first contribution to the scenario planning critical to the success of the field. The next several years bring a variety of scenarios which cannot be encountered unprepared. Instead, the AIDS vaccine field, and the field of prevention research in general, must engage in rigorous debate, dialogue and scenario planning which anticipates the issues that the next few years will bring, and ensures that the wide range of stakeholders are informed and empowered to make decisions to compete against the virus. In this report, four thought-provoking chapters are presented, each of which begins with a future scenario that considers how the world might look in five or six or ten years’ time.

Report of Community Consultation Among Young Women Living with HIV Currently Accessing PMTCT Services in Benue, Edo, Akwa-Ibom and Lagos States

A 7-page document developed by 2013 AVAC Fellow Oladayo Taiwo Oyelakin identifying challenges women face in access PMTCT services in Nigeria. This report used a community community consultation framework to identify barriers and provide recommendations.

Comment Letter to Ambassador Goosby on Draft PEPFAR Country Operational Plan for Zambia

This four-page letter on behalf of the civil society coalition in Zambia discusses recommendations for PEPFAR’s Country Operating Plan. The letter calls for stronger benchmarks and increased investment in several HIV prevention modalities. 

HIV/AIDS in Uganda: 30 Years On! – A case for treatment as prevention approach

This report by 2012 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Alice Kayongo-Mutebi describes successes and challenges in a year-long campaign to expand access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV positive people in Uganda. It includes sections on the history of Uganda’s AIDS response, achievements in the work of a Ugandan civil society coalition seeking to improve ART access. It describes challenges and makes recommendations for future work. 

A Three-Part Agenda for Ending AIDS 2014

The Px Wire centerspread from January-March Volume 7, No. 1 lays out the “research-to-rollout” continuum of steps between initial evaluations of a novel concept for HIV prevention and the ultimate introduction of new tool offered in an effective public health program.

AVAC Playbook 2013–2014: Global goals and priorities

The AVAC’s Playbook is a concise look at global goals related to ten areas that are critical to ending the AIDS epidemic. The squares contain long-term goals; in the circles we have laid out priorities for 2014. Working with our partners, we develop and implement advocacy strategies to get us closer to these goals.

Planned PrEP Demonstration Projects in Resource-Poor Settings

Trial Participants as Research Investors

Global Prevention Research Advocacy Partnerships

This map from the AVAC Report 2012 identifies global prevention research advocacy partnerships.