Avac Event

HIV Prevention Plus Plus: Developing Options that Meet the Full Range of our Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs

Tuesday, April 25 at 9:00 AM–10:30AM ET

Despite a dynamic research and development (R&D) pipeline for prevention products, male and female condoms remain the only multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs) currently available. Yet MPTs are an integral part of the HIV prevention advocacy agenda. For decades, advocates have pushed for products to be developed that simultaneously prevent HIV, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and/or pregnancy.

With a growing number of PrEP options already, what will it take to bring a new MPT to market? A Dual Prevention Pill (DPP – https://www.prepwatch.org/products/dual-prevention-pill/) that prevents both HIV and pregnancy could be just two years away. Looking further upstream, there are over 25 other MPTs in the pipeline (https://www.prepwatch.org/research-pipeline/), including vaginal rings, which would follow in the footsteps of the dapivirine vaginal ring recommended by WHO and recently approved in several countries.

Within this fast-evolving HIV prevention landscape, work is already underway to build a platform to introduce the DPP, which could speed up the rollout of other MPTs. Join us to hear what we’ve learned so far on R&D, marketing, counseling and delivery for MPTs – and to discuss what we can do now to prepare prevention markets to include new MPT options.

Featured Speakers:
Ruth Akulu, ICWEA, AVAC fellow
Barbara Friedland, Population Council
Gregorio Millet, amfAR
Dr. Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Wits RHI
Danielle Resar, Clinton Health Access Initiative
Co-moderators: Wawira Nyagah, AVAC Kate Segal, AVAC

Register here.

This webinar is a part of The Choice Agenda.

Mpox – Sexual Networks, HIV and Activism

Wednesday, March 29 at 9:30–11:00am ET

MPX NYC: A community-led study on queer sex in New York City
Dr. Keletso Makofane, Harvard University, FXB Health & Human Rights Fellow

Mpox and HIV
Dr. Chloe Orkin, Professor of HIV Medicine, Queen Mary University of London

Recording / Slides / Resources

Efficacy is Not the Only HIV Prevention Attribute that Matters – Lessons from Contraception

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

During this webinar, experts explore lessons learned from contraception research and advocacy in relation to HIV prevention. This webinar featured Dominika Seidman, University of California San Francisco.

Recording / Slides / Resources

CROI and Community and YOU – Preparing for CROI 2023

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

During this webinar, CROI community advocates gave an overview of the CROI meeting and shared logistics of the conference happening in February 2023.

Featuring Drs. James Hoxie, Diane Havlir and Landon Myer

Recording / Slides

Status Updates on Ongoing and Planned HIV Prevention Trials

The world is grappling with the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the HIV prevention field is no different. Most trials investigating new biomedical HIV prevention products have paused, citing concerns for the safety of trial participants and the study teams.

How COVID-19 is impacting research varies by trial and site, and efforts are ongoing to minimize impact on trial timelines and data. AVAC will continue to monitor developments—watch this space.

Ongoing Studies for the Treatment and Prevention of the COVID-19 Virus

This table is a work in progress, as this is an incredibly dynamic landscape. Over the past month, the scientific community has accelerated development of COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and a potential vaccine. This document also links to a number of resources available to track these developments.

In addition, a collaborative project of the COVID-19 Working Group NY, the PrEP4All Collaboration and Treatment Action Group offers concise overviews and analyses of key research areas.

AIDS Vaccines by the Numbers: Trials, discoveries, money and more

We know that an AIDS vaccine is possible and that a vaccine will be an important part of a long-term strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. The road ahead is long, but clinical trials—even those with disappointing results—and early-stage research provide critical clues to the way forward. The graphics below represent key facts about the AIDS vaccine field.

Tracking and Translating the Field

Bridging the scientific field and communities where research happens

Been There, Did That – Research Reflections from CROI 2023

Thursday, March 23 at 10:00–11:30am ET

Speakers included community leaders and researchers reflecting on the most interesting, consequential science presented at CROI 2023.

Co-moderated by Devan Nambiar, Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance and CROI 2023 Community Educator Scholar

Featured researcher:
Dr. Monica Gandhi, UCSF

Featured community speakers:
CROI 2023 Community Educator Scholars

Recording / Dr. Monica Ghandi’s Slides / Community Educator Slides

Avac Event

When Cure Means Control

An introduction to viral control off therapy

Tuesday, March 28 at 9:00 am ET

As the number of cure-related clinical trials grows, so does the number of people experiencing month-long delays in viral rebound. A very small handful of participants remain off therapy long after the trial ends. These individuals who can control HIV without therapy after an intervention are known as controllers.

This webinar will:

  • Introduce the concept of viral control off therapy
  • Provide a platform to ask experts questions on HIV control
  • Introduce key issues advocates should be following

Featuring Jon LI, Harvard University; Marina Caskey, Rockefeller University; Ann Chahroudi, Emory School of Medicine, Josephine Nabukenya, EGPAF Board Member and IAS Governing Council Member, and moderated by Jessica Salzwedel, AVAC

Register here