Avac Event

Africa Health R&D Week

Save the Date: Tuesday, November 21 to Friday, November 24

Africa Health R&D Week 2023 is designed to recognize achievements and step up advocacy for sustainable financing of health R&D through domestic resource mobilization (DRM) in Africa.

Inaugurated in 2022, the Africa Health R&D Week is a continental movement that builds bridges between researchers, policy makers, regulators, civil society advocates and community members committed to Africa’s health transformation through health R&D, and innovation. 

This year the four-day virtual forum focuses on the need for sustainable support for vaccine development and manufacturing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM). The 2023 edition will leverage South-South learning, by eliciting/ linking lessons and experiences from Asia and Africa.

Hosted by IAVI, in partnership with  AVAC under the USAID-funded Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research (CASPR), the forum will discuss:

Day 1 – The aspirations, the reality and the gaps in Vaccine Manufacturing in LMICs (underscoring Africa)

Day 2 – African Countries contribution to the continental vision (Case studies of building manufacturing capacity) 

Day 3 – Industry perspectives from Africa and Asia: Opportunities and challenges, and addressing the issue  of sustainability 

Day 4 – Advocates workshop to develop an advocacy roadmap to champion vaccine manufacturing