Avac Event

US Conference on AIDS

Thousands of community leaders, front-line workers, policy makers, physicians and advocates from throughout the US met for the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA). What follows is a short list of biomedical HIV prevention research and implementation-related sessions and links to the Black Treatment Action Network/PxROAR Advocates’ Roadmap and full conference program. (The Black Treatment Action Network is a project of the Black AIDS Institute.)

The BTAN/PxROAR Advocates’ Roadmap highlights workshops, seminars and roundtables on a range of issues such as HIV prevention advocacy, access to treatment, linkage to care and the treatment cascade. Advocates who attend Roadmap sessions at the conference are eligible for prizes. Click here for more information.

Sessions of interest for biomedical HIV prevention advocates included:

Saturday, September 7

Sunday, September 8

Monday, September 9

Tuesday, September 10

Wednesday, September 11