Over 7,000 participants from around the world, including government leaders, policy makers, healthcare professionals, NGO representatives, corporate leaders and global media outlets met in Kuala Lumpur for Women Deliver 2013 (WD2013) . Billed as the largest global event of the decade to focus on the health and empowerment of girls and women, Women Deliver 2013 was a global platform for ensuring that the health and rights of girls and women remain top priorities now, and for decades to come.
AVAC and many of its partners participating in and presented at the conference. A number of sessions are still available for viewing and some tools and resources remain relevant:
Women Deliver 2013 Roadmap: There was a wide range of great sessions planned for WD2013 (full program available here ), and we pulled together a roadmap of select sessions focused on HIV-related issues — see below.
Watch the Conference: Much of Women Deliver 2013 was webcast. Click here to see available sessions to view.
Partner Tools: A number of our partners have also created roadmaps for the conference: CHANGE , PATH, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, CAMI and the International Partnership for Microbicides.
Graphics: Women Deliver logos and graphics are available as well.
Women Deliver 2013 Roadmap: Below please see a roadmap of selected sessions that highlight HIV-related issues and linkages.
Monday, May 27
- Side-event: Global Forum on Cervical Cancer Prevention, (9:00-17:00), click here for more information
- Side-event: HIV Treatment Optimization and Women’s Rights and Empowerment: Making the Connection, (14:00-17:00) Rooms 307, 308, 309
Tuesday, May 28
- Side-event: Getting to FP2020: Evidence Gaps and Research Priorities, (7:00–8:30)
- More Than Mothers: Upholding the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women in the Global Plan, (11:30 – 13:00) Grand Ballroom 2
- Health and Community Systems Strengthening: An Integrated Response to Improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women Living with and Affected by HIV, (11:30 – 13:00) Conference Hall 1
- Maximising Access to Treatment for Women and Girls: What Will It Take?, (14:45 – 16:15) Room 310
- Female Condoms Are _______ Film Festival, (18:30-20:30) Exhibit Hall 2, Hospitality Suite 2
Wednesday, May 29
- Sexual Health, Rights, and Staying Safe: Are Women at Higher Risk of HIV Getting the Best from Their Health Services?, (11:00 – 13:00) Room 310
- Plenary Lunch: The Challenges and Benefits of Partnership, (1315 – 1430) Grand Ballroom 2
- Claiming Our Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health: How Political Commitments to End AIDS Can Drive Improvements in Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health, (14:45 – 16:15) Room 307
Thursday, May 30
- Multi-purpose Prevention Technologies for Girls and Women, (11:00 – 13:00) Room 402
- Plenary Lunch: Twenty Years Ago… What’s Missing in the 1990’s Programmes of Action: Moving Forward from the MDGs, (13:15-14:45) Grand Ballroom 2
- Sexuality and Fertility—Choices and Challenges for Women Living with or at Risk for HIV, (15:00 – 16:00) Room 401