Consolata Achieng Opiyo

ICW-Kenya (2018 Fellow) - 2018

Consolata is the Vice Chairperson for ICWEA. She’s also on WHO’s Women Living with HIV Advisory Group and represents the TB constituents in Kenya on the Glocal Fund country coordinating mechanism. She’s a project assistant for the Global Partnership for Action to end all forms of HIV- Related stigma at GNP+. She is an activist, public and motivational speaker, facilitator and trainer of trainers. She acquired HIV through vertical transmission,and her main interest has always been the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women.

Fellowship Focus
Consolata prepared Kenya and the wider region for the ECHO trial results. As a member of the ECHO National Taskforce team and the Communications Subcommittee, she helped plan for various scenarios following possible trial results. When the ECHO results were released after her Fellows project, Consolata was central to the dissemination and deciphering of the results in Kenya and beyond. She also played a primary role in reviewing and validating Kenya’s guidelines on Dolutegravir as a treatment choice for women.

In Their Own Words
We cannot speak about HIV without considering sexual and reproductive health and vice versa and that is why during my fellowship I pushed for the integration of the two in the healthcare setting.



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