Maureen Milanga

AIDS Law Project (ALP) - 2013 Fellow - 2013

Maureen is an Associate Director of International Policy and Advocacy at Health Global Access Project (Health GAP). She’s responsible for campaigning for increased access to HIV treatment, improving outdated HIV treatment policies, mobilizing civil society to demand better drugs faster, increasing civil society engagement to ensure meaningful participation and supporting the enhancement of key population service delivery and focus by governments and donors.

Fellowship Focus
Maureen engaged and influenced national and international processes in adopting the Kenya PLHIV Manifesto, monitoring Option B+ rollout, updating ART guidelines towards “treatment on demand”, and funding decision-making. During and after her Fellowship, she has continued to work with partners to successfully influence the allocation of hundreds of millions of dollars in US funding to more effective programs that focus on communities, including key populations in Kenya and several other countries.

In Their Own Words
PEPFAR cuts could force marginalized groups to seek services in general health facilities, where they are likely to face discrimination. In terms of service delivery, it is important to ensure that PLHIV and key populations have access to the latest treatment options and that the community supports their adherence.


Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the Fellows Program, or would like to reach out to a Fellow (current or alumni), e-mail us at [email protected].