“It’s Almost as if Stakeholder Engagement is the Annoying ‘Have-to-do’…”: Can ethics review help address the “3 Ts” of tokenism, toxicity and tailoring in stakeholder engagement?
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (2022)
Wilkinson, A., Slack, C., et al.
Recommendations for thoughtful ethical review of stakeholder engagement processes.

Ethical Reflections on the Conduct of HIV Research with Community Members: A Case Study
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (2021)
Brown, B., Taylor, J., et al.
Case studies to illustrate the ethical imperative of community engagement in research.
Community Engagement and Ethical Global Health Research
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Adhikari, B., Pell, C., et al.
CE as an ethical imperative in global health research.
Stigma, Implicit Bias and Long-Lasting Prevention Interventions to End the Domestic HIV/AIDS Epidemic
American Journal of Public Health (2020)
Andrasik, M.P., Broder, G.B., et al.
CE and CBPR as a pathway to addressing implicit bias in research.
Stakeholder Engagement and the Implementation of Global Health Programs
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Lavery, J.V.
Talk about the ethics of research and community engagement. Visit here for more.
Power to Participants: A call for person-centered HIV prevention services and research
Journal of the International AIDS Society (2018)
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Proposing CE principles for non-medical HIV prevention and programming.
Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement Through Ethics Review in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Opportunities and complexities
Journal of the International AIDS Society (2018)
Slack, C., Wilkinson, A., et al.
CE planning and implementation should be integrated into ethical review.
Public/Community Engagement in Health Research with Men who Have Sex with Men in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and opportunities
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Ethical challenges in CE in conducting research w MSM in sub-Saharan Africa.
Community Engagement and the Human Infrastructure of Global Health Research
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Proposed ethical framework for community engagement in research.
Consent and Community Engagement in Diverse Research Contexts: Reviewing and developing research and practice
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (2013)
Participants in the Community Engagement and Consent Workshop, Kilifi, Kenya, March 2011
Write-up of a meeting specifically about CE in consent practices.
How Ethical is Your Clinical Trial?
International Journal of Clinical Practice (2010)
Miller, L., Folayan, M., et al.
Perspective on ethical need for community engagement in HIV research.