Since COVID-19 first began to spread, AVAC and partners have been tracking the research and development pipeline for a vaccine and treatment, documenting COVID-19’s profound effects on the AIDS response, calling out the need for stronger health systems and expanded domestic funding for health, and pushing for a human rights-based approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness and response—one that builds on the decades of activism and engagement that has shaped the response to HIV.
Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, AVAC created the COVID News Brief as a way to share vaccine developments and urgent questions surrounding equity, misinformation, social justice and the research enterprise with our community.
Since then, the world has witnessed remarkable achievements in research and development only to see the benefits of those advances hoarded by rich countries as COVID-19 rages on. Global health leaders and advocates are studying how the HIV and TB responses struggled and adapted in the midst of COVID-19, and lessons that can be applied to PPPR.
As we continue our work in HIV, in COVID and among multiple pandemics in a changing global health architecture, we are delighted to expand our news brief to Pandemic Watch, a weekly round-up of pandemic-related news. Pandemic Watch folds COVID-19 news into a curated digest that expands beyond COVID to reflect the evolving field of PPPR. If you already received the COVID News Brief, you’ll automatically begin to receive Pandemic Watch. If you’d like to sign up to receive Pandemic Watch, click here.