Key Population Trans National Collaboration (KP-TNC)
A cross country collaboration strengthening advocacy for key populations

Civil Society for key populations (KPs) must overcome significant challenges in their advocacy. Stigma, discrimination, disinformation, repression, criminalization, violence, and economic inequities burden and marginalize LGBTQIA+ people, sex workers, people who use drugs and other key populations who are vulnerable to HIV exposure. The KP-TNC fosters a community of practice and builds coalitions to develop strategies and advance advocacy for global health equity at large, and for HIV prevention and treatment among key populations.
About This Project
The KP-TNC is made up of consortiums of KP-led organizations in eight countries: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and Zanzibar. It plays a crucial role in strengthening relationships between KP organizations and development partners, regional organizations, the African Union, PEPFAR, The Global Fund and country governments. The latter holds special importance for TNC members who operate in countries where discrimination and criminalization of key populations has posed a serious barrier to advocacy. These constraints have undermined the development of effective policy and programs, depriving policy makers of essential impute from key populations on the design and implementation of programs aimed at delivering health services to them. The work of the KP-TNC is shoring up these critical failings with deeply informed, well resourced KP-led organizations who bring innovation and solutions that work.
The KP-TNC provides members with strategic training & education, and offers a platform for developing best practices. Advocacy is focused on PEPFAR’s Country Operational Plans (COPs), the Key Population Investment Fund (KPIF), other global, regional or country process for health programming, and expanding KP leadership in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs that deliver healthcare services to key populations.