Explore data and access to PrEP across the globe

PrEPWatch is an online clearinghouse for resources and information related to the effectively delivery of proven PrEP products to everyone who needs them. Visit for updates on the status of access to PrEP products around the world and by country. Find the supporting evidence behind PrEP products available now and in development, learn who is working on delivering PrEP, and find tools and research for best practices.’s Essential Role
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uses antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to dramatically reduce the risk of HIV infection for people who take it as directed. Though PrEP could potentially benefit tens of millions of people at risk of exposure to HIV, and help to end the HIV epidemic, only a fraction of this number is using PrEP today. See the PrEPWatch tracker for quarterly updates on this figure at
About the Project
Understanding how to deliver PrEP to the diverse populations that need it has been slow, lacking in coordination and urgently requires comprehensive planning, investment and political will. provides critical resources for the work that needs to be done. PrEPWatch collects data on PrEP use, provides updates on programs and policies around the world, and features resources, trainings and case studies on the best practices for planning and implementation of PrEP delivery.
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