AVAC’s Resource Database contains educational and advocacy materials covering a wide range of issues on biomedical prevention of HIV, STIs, COVID-19 and emerging health threats—from research to rollout.
To search for clinical trials and detailed information on products in development, visit our Prevention Research & Development Database
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Global PrEP Uptake and PEPFAR’s Role, 2016-2024
AVAC’s Global PrEP Tracker has documented cumulative PrEP initiations on a quarterly basis for nearly a decade. This graph presents the final data collected while PEPFAR was fully operational—PEPFAR support was responsible for 79% of PrEP uptake globally in the last year and reached 83% by the end of September of 2024. Data on the fourth quarter of 2024 is inaccessible since PEPFAR was taken offline in late January.
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HIV Incidence, Age 15-49
Looking backward and then into the future, this chart shows actual HIV rates alongside projected rates with and without current prevention strategies (PrEP, VMMC, and free condoms).
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Where We Are Now with LEN for PrEP
The chaos in foreign assistance programs (including discontinuation of major PrEP programs), cuts in staffing and new demands on donor commitments will make decisions on the procurement of LEN for PrEP more complex and uncertain.
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Trials & Projects Halted by USAID Funding Suspension
The stop-work orders have disrupted USAID-supported HIV prevention research, halting critical investigations in vaccine and next-generation PrEP strategies.
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New Product Introduction Update
A graphic showing ongoing studies of injectable cabotegravir and the dapivirine vaginal ring in eastern and southern Africa.

Cabotegravir Volume
Allocation of non-commercial cabotegravir for PrEP supply in low- and middle-income countries, 2023-2026, as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on...
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Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Regulatory Approval
Regulatory approvals, pending decisions, and appeals as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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Cabotegravir Regulatory Approval
Regulatory approvals and those pending for cabotegravir as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Volume
DVR supply available to low- and middle-income countries as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Implementation
Ongoing and planned implementation studies for the dapivirine vaginal ring as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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