COVID-19 Vaccine Cheat Sheet: Access Edition

This two-pager profiles authorized vaccines with an emphasis on the “3 C’s” that have a significant impact on equitable access: cost, cold chain and manufacturing capacity.

The Well Project

Founded in 2002, The Well Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls. Their website is a global online resource of information, support and advocacy for women living with HIV and their allies.

Access their resources, additional information and strong partner network at

The Evolution of Oral PrEP Access

A presentation on global trends in PrEP uptake since 2016, prepared for R4P. See breakdowns by country and analysis of lessons learned and continued use.

Internal Condoms: A Tool To Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All

Internal condoms, previously called female condoms, are an important tool to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. Internal condoms are currently the only non-hormonal multipurpose prevention method designed for and initiated by women and receptive sexual partners that provides effective protection against unintended pregnancy and STI acquisition, including HIV. This resource shares new data on the efficacy and importance of internal condoms, and includes critical new USAID condom procurement data that indicate the need for increased internal condom procurement by United States global health agencies and programs.

Ethical considerations in HIV prevention trials

UNAIDS and the World Health Organization have published this updated guidance on ethical considerations in HIV prevention trials. The new guidance is the result of a year-long process that saw more than 80 experts and members of the public give inputs and is published 21 years after the first edition appeared.

How Can We End the Tuberculosis Epidemic? Lessons from Around the World

Anyone can get TB. In 2019, an estimated 10 million people contracted TB and more than 1.4 million died. Despite the numbers, we know we can end the TB epidemic. It is a matter of scaling up effective programs, dedicating sufficient resources and mobilizing the political will. This report highlights six locations where communities made impressive progress to significantly reduce TB cases and deaths – from California in the United States to Tomsk, Russia and Karachi, Pakistan.

Breaking the cycle of transmission: A human-centered approach to increase adoption and sustained use of HIV prevention among high-risk adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in South Africa

Download findings from Breaking the Cycle of Transmission, a research effort to better understand AGYW decisions and behaviors related to HIV prevention; identify different segments to better tailor outreach; and how to reach each segment more effectively. The project uses user-centered research and human-centered design and piloting.

The HIV Prevention Market Manager (PMM), co-led by AVAC and CHAI and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, leads the research in partnership with behavioral research firm Final Mile, user-centered design firm Upstream Innovation and market research group Ask AfriKa, with the Surgo Foundation providing strategic guidance.

Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Combinations

Overview of the combinations of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) under investigation in early clinical studies for HIV prevention.

Evaluating, Scaling up and Enhancing Strategies for Supporting PrEP Continuation and Effective Use

In June 2019, the Prevention Product Manager (PMM)—a joint partnership between AVAC and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—and Jhpiego convened a think tank to consider how best to define and measure PrEP continuation. Its recommendations included modifying current PrEP indicators, recognizing that a single definition of correct or effective use might not be possible given fluctuating and variable HIV risk.

A second think tank was held in September 2020 with the theme Evaluating, Enhancing and Scaling up Strategies for Supporting PrEP Continuation and Effective Use. This think tank explored effective and promising strategies for helping people to stay on PrEP, strategies that can be scaled up across populations and locations.

CAB-LA is a Highly Effective HIV Prevention Option; Now what?

Long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) is a promising new option for HIV prevention. In 2020, early results from two trials—HPTN 083 and HPTN 084—showed CAB-LA was safe and highly effective at preventing HIV when compared to daily oral TDF/FTC (Truvada) in men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender (TG) women and cisgender women. Now what? What questions remain unanswered and what support is needed now to make the growing range of prevention options feasible choices for people who may want and need them?