June 6, 2024
For five decades LGBTQ+ communities and their allies have come together in June to celebrate Pride, to demand recognition of our human rights, and to honor Queer lives. It was movement that ignited out of a climate of fear and ignorance, one that de-humanized trans people and same-gender loving people and made possible their continual persecution.
As we mark the 54th anniversary of the New York City Stonewall Uprising of 1969, we celebrate the diversity and resilience of LGBTQ+ communities around the world and we must call out the transnational anti-LGBTQ+ reaction that is propelling gay-hate legislation, systemic violations of human rights, and violence against Queer people in countries across Africa, Asia and the US.
Read on for details on an important advocacy movement against the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in Uganda, a new podcast capturing the highlights and personal story of one advocate’s work, and the work of a cross-country collaboration strengthening advocacy for key populations.
New Report

It’s been one year since the Ugandan legislature passed one of the most draconian gay-hate laws in the world, the Anti Homosexuality ACT (AHA), which has since been approved by a Ugandan court ruling, now on appeal. The AHA intensifies the criminalization of LGBTQ+ people, including up to life imprisonment for consensual same-sex conduct, and even the death penalty in certain circumstances. A new report by the Strategic Response Team (SRT), UNWANTED, OUTLAWED AND ILLEGAL: THE CRY OF LGBTIQ+ UGANDANS, documents evictions, arrests, imprisonment, forced anal exams, and community violence against LGBTQ+ people since the passage of AHA.
New Podcast

PxPulse: The Advocacy Chronicles
In a new edition of PxPulse: The Advocacy Chronicles, Allan Mwasa of SMUG International in Uganda discusses the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA), rising violence against LGBTQ+ communities in Uganda, how advocates are organizing, and what allies can do now. A donation to SMUG supports the work of the Strategic Response Team documenting civil rights violations and intensifying persecution of LGBTQI+ Ugandans. Click here to donate to SMUG.
On the Radar

The Key Population Trans National Collaboration (KP-TNC)
And follow the work of the Key Population Trans National Collaboration (KP-TNC), a cross country collaboration strengthening advocacy for key populations. Working in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and Zanzibar, the KP-TNC strengthens relationships between KP-led organizations and development partners, regional organizations, the African Union, PEPFAR, The Global Fund and country governments, and develops strategies to advance advocacy for global health equity at large, and for HIV prevention and treatment among key populations.
This moment requires global solidarity to push back against the lies, prejudice and discrimination that imperil LGBTQ+ people everywhere. Here’s to a powerful Pride!