AVAC Partnership Strategy 2023-2026

This document lays out AVAC’s plan to transition away from traditional power structures when working with partners — from civil society advocates to scientists, policy makers, program implementers, and more. AVAC strives towards a model in which those with lived experience and field expertise have influence and equal voice in the design and delivery of plans and priorities.

Evolving Strategies for an HIV Vaccine: One researcher explains where the field is going and why?

Produced and hosted by Jeanne Baron

With several large HIV vaccine trials in the last few years finding no efficacy, the field is in transition. There are diverse ideas in vaccine research, but there’s no clear concept that’s ready to test in a late-phase trial or move towards product development currently. Researchers are back to testing new ideas in early phase research.

In this episode of our Px Pulse podcast, Evolving Strategies for an HIV Vaccine: One researcher explains where the field is going and why?, Dr. Katy Stephenson explores the implications of recent trial results, the big questions driving next generation vaccine development, and new strategies underway in early phase research. Katy is a doctor, a researcher, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and part of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research.



PrEP (In)equity: Documenting, measuring, and flipping the script towards justice

Tuesday, May 9 at 9:00 AM–10:30AM ET

Disparities in PrEP awareness, access, and uptake are stark in the United States, and play out along lines of race, gender, age, and geography. While we see increases in PrEP uptake overall, these metrics tend to mask the fact that the people who most need PrEP are not to be found in those numbers. As we see new modes of PrEP delivery become available, we are concerned these “shiny new things” will be yet another way to measure disparities and not actually help those who most need it. We must focus on these inequities with laser-like intensity, allocate resources using an equity model, and strive harder for PrEP justice.

Speakers include: Leisha-McKinley Beach, National HIV/AIDS Consultant, Michael Chancley, PrEP4All, and Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Emory

Recording / Slides / Resources

Avac Event

IAS (International AIDS Society) 2023

The 12th annual conference of the International AIDS Society (IAS) on HIV science takes place July 23–26 in Brisbane, Australia, and virtually. This year’s conference will offer the latest on vaccine and cure science, research updates on broadly neutralizing antibodies, important discussions on trial design in the era of PrEP, the potential of community-led models of care and the importance of integrating services for HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). AVAC and partners will be there! Read on for an overview.

Just ahead of the conference, UNAIDS released their annual state of the epidemic report, The Path that Ends AIDS. The report charts a path that can end AIDS, and documents important progress, but challenges remain. Among them, global resources for HIV are marking another year of decline. With anti-LGTBQIA+ legal actions increasing in the US and in several African countries and reduced resources, efforts to end the epidemic will fail. See AVAC’s new graphic on the issue.

IAS Resources

  • Use AVAC’s Roadmap to find sessions where prevention, pandemic preparedness and the larger issues of global health equity are in the spotlight. You can download it as a sortable spreadsheet or PDF.
  • Follow events in real time, AVAC will offer comments and updates on Twitter, and our friends at NAM/AIDSMAP will be reporting throughout the conference. Join the conversation using the conference hashtag #IAS2023.

Satellites, Sessions and Panels Featuring AVAC and Partners

All times listed are local in Brisbane, Australia. Click for a time zone converter.

Sunday, July 23

Tuesday, July 25

Wednesday, July 26

Poster Presentations

  • No Data No More: A tool to end the exclusion of trans and gender-diverse people in HIV research
  • Raising New Voices in HIV Cure Research: A review of an advocacy-for-cure academy and grant program
  • The Value of Measuring Outcomes of HIV Advocacy: Utilising a novel and participatory approach for advocacy evaluation
  • HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2001-2021: Shifting investment priorities fund innovation in a challenging global health landscape
  • Revolution of Transgender Health Programming: The role of transgender activists in Health programming for Malawi

While many will be gathering in Australia for the IAS conference, the 27th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Research (ISSTDR)is happening in Chicago at the same time – and AVAC will be there, too. Stay tuned for an update later this week for AVAC’s STI Roadmap and dedicated STI conference page. Advocates, implementers and researchers in both fields have much work to do together.

Avac Event

STI & HIV World Congress (ISSTDR) 2023

The STI & HIV World Congress (also known as ISSTDR) kicks off in Chicago, Illinois, USA and AVAC will be there. This is the first major face-to-face meeting of STI & HIV professionals since 2019 and one of the only spaces the global STI community comes together to promote ongoing STI research efforts and exchange information on current investigations. This is also the first time AVAC is attending ISSTDR in hopes of expanding STI advocacy and community engagement.

STI & HIV World Congress Resources 

Visit STIWatch.org, a new resource for the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) community to better understand and advocate for STI vaccine and diagnostics research, development and rollout.

STI & HIV World Congress 2023 Roadmap

Check out some AVAC-featured sessions below.

The STI Prevention Pipeline: Where Are We, and What Will It Take to Move Forward Faster?
Monday, July 24 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Cadmium Room
Join us to explore the current development and implementation stages of STI vaccines and diagnostics and identify ways to accelerate research through advocacy.

Symposium: New Vaccine Approaches to STI Prevention STI Vaccine Acceptance and Equity
Tuesday, July 25 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in Chicago 6
Join AVAC’s Alison Footman to dive into the topic of STI vaccines and equity as new interventions come into reach.

Setting Up a Remote/Home Testing STI Programme: A Practical Toolkit
Thursday, July 25 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in Sheraton IV/V Room
Join us to explore the power of remote testing to affordably curb STI acquisitions.

Community Happy Hour 
Monday, July 24, 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Lizzie McNeill’s
Join AVAC and partners for a no frills happy hour for the STI community. All are welcome! 

ISSTDR Advocacy Zone 
Monday, July 24 to Thursday, July 27 at the Exhibit Hall
Visit the Advocacy Zone, a space to ask important questions, connect with fellow STI advocates, and begin to chart next steps in advancing STI R&D.

How to Communicate about Sexual Health and STIs: Sex positivity vs. risk-based language

Thursday, April 20 at 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM ET

Join The Choice Agenda for a conversation focused on sex positivity and risk-based language when discussing sexual health and STIs.

Speakers include Dr. Keosha T. Bond, CUNY School of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Cherabie, Washington University St. Louis, Mark Kaigwa, Nendo, and moderated Alison Footman, AVAC

Webinar co-sponsored by the American Sexual Health Association.

Recording / Slides / Resources

Avac Event

AIDSImpact Conference

June 12 to 14, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other ongoing conflicts in the world, have globally disrupted health services and affected treatment and psychosocial care of people living with HIV.

HIV prevention including HIV testing has also been negatively affected.
In order to ensure that HIV continues to feature on the worldwide agenda, focus and determination will be required.

The theme of the AIDSImpact 2023 is therefore. Power for Action Now!

Registration and more details here.

Catch Up on the Advocacy for IP Waivers, Tech Transfers and PPPR

In case you missed it, highlights from our April 6 webinar, Global PPPR Equity: Why do we need agreements on IP and tech transfers?, are a must read. Panelists, bringing a range of expertise, explored lessons learned from the HIV/AIDS epidemic on IP and tech transfer advocacy and what’s next in the fight for global equity in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR).

Featured speakers included:

-Fifa Rahman, ACT-A CSO and Health Poverty Action
-Brook Baker, Northeastern University and Health GAP
-Fitsum Lakew, WACI Health
-Esteban Burrone, Medicines Patent Pool

Listen to the webinar to learn:

-Why patents matter for diagnostics, despite assertions from industry that they do not
-The impact of intellectual property monopolies during COVD-19
-About the need for rapid scale up of manufacturing in African countries and more

“There are five key reasons we need licensing and tech transfer: they reduce prices, accelerate access to new and innovative treatments and other technologies, enable production of greater volumes, contribute to supply security, and support geographical diversification of manufacturing.” – Esteban Burrone, Medicines Patent Pool

Check out our summary of the webinarwatch the recordingdownload the slides and find links to a host of resources on PPPR, including an Advocate’s Guide to PPPR and two recent podcasts on the global architecture being put in place to make investments and coordinate resource sharing.

With pandemic prevention, preparedness and response an area of increasing investment and planning, these voices are sharing insights and messages that are instrumental for collaboration and advocacy. Tell us what you think and contact [email protected] to get involved!

AVAC Condemns Court Decision that Tramples Human Rights, Endangers Evidence-Based Medical Care and Sets a Dangerous Precedent

As a global organization dedicated to health as a human right, to social justice, and to individual autonomy and choice, AVAC strongly condemns the decision by a federal judge in Texas who issued an unprecedented preliminary injunction that suspends the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of mifepristone, a safe and effective abortion medication approved more than 20 years ago. If this decision is allowed to stand, it will restrict access to the most widely used method of abortion and undermine the FDA’s authority on drug regulation generally.

A counter ruling issued shortly after the Texas decision by a judge in Washington state called for the FDA to maintain access to mifepristone. It is unclear how these competing rulings will play out, but it is assumed this will force the issue to the Supreme Court where it is uncertain how a conservative majority may rule.

“The Texas decision throws open the door to reversals of other drug approvals based on one individuals’ personal or political beliefs rather than science and evidence. It’s yet another blow in a campaign to roll back bodily autonomy and human rights and cannot be allowed to stand,” said Mitchell Warren, AVAC’s executive director. “In solidarity, we stand with the millions of individuals and families who will be affected by this highly political decision, and we stand with science and medical evidence, which is increasingly under attack in the US.”

More than 20 years ago, the FDA reviewed the scientific evidence and approved mifepristone for medication abortion as a safe and effective product. In the intervening time, a tremendous amount of additional evidence has been added to the safety and efficacy profile of the drug, and its effective use outside of a clinic setting.

“The FDA’s job is to evaluate reams of scientific evidence and conduct unbiased, stringent review of new drugs and devices.” said Suraj Madoori, AVAC’s director of policy advocacy. “Friday’s ruling would take decision-making out of the hands of experts and put it into the hands of misguided activist judges, endangering access to other FDA-approved medications. AVAC is especially concerned about implications for access to contraception, treatments used by transgender individuals and HIV prevention drugs.”

“The FDA is recognized as the global leader in stringent, objective review of drugs and devices. Today’s ruling not only endangers public health and access to safe, effective medication, it jeopardizes our national standing and well-earned respect for our regulatory body,” said Madoori.

AVAC calls on the Biden Administration to take immediate action to safeguard access to mifepristone and to the sanctity and credibility of the nation’s drug approval process. AVAC also calls for appellate courts and the Supreme Court to uphold the FDA’s jurisdiction over drug regulation.

“This decision cannot be allowed to stand. AVAC commits to working with our partners and allies to ensure that the right to access evidence-based medical care is not infringed and that the right to abortion, and reproductive rights overall, are protected for all,” Warren added.

Webinar Recording on Global PPPR Equity

Global PPPR Equity: Why do we need agreements on IP and tech transfers?

Over the past two decades, HIV advocates have engaged in hard battles for equitable access to HIV/AIDS drugs and prevention options and have had some big wins. The process of these negotiations has led to strong relationships that have enshrined certain equity provisions as standard in clinical trials and manufacturing of HIV drugs. Through these battles, we’ve learned clear lessons on the necessity for such agreements and what’s required to secure them.

Throughout global PPPR agreements in 2023, governments and advocates in the Global South are asking for provisions on equity in the form of temporary IP waivers, mandatory tech transfer, and mandatory licensing for pandemic tools.

This panel discussed lessons from the HIV epidemic and explore why governments of the Global South and advocates think we still need to address ‘the IP question’.

Featured Speakers included Fifa Rahman, Brook Baker, Fitsum Lakew, and Esteban Burrone

Watch the recording here.