
Discover perspectives on the latest findings, biggest challenges and most exciting successes in our collective work.

At P-Values, you’ll find updates, perspective, insights and information from staff and partners working on the frontlines of research, advocacy and implementation. P-value is a statistical term for the probability that a trial result is reliable and not the outcome of chance. 

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Upcoming Webinars and a Roundup of New Resources

Last week’s interim result of the PURPOSE 1 HIV prevention study of injectable lenacapavir is captivating headlines. Check out AVAC’s statement here and one from the PURPOSE 1 Global Community Accountability Board and the African Women’s Prevention Community Accountability Board here. But there are LOTS of other things also happening in HIV prevention, and we’re delighted to share this roundup.

Prevention Option:

June 2024

A Ray of Hope for Uganda LGBTQ Community Amidst Anti-Homosexual Law

Namiganda Jael, a journalist in Uganda, writes about the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in accessing healthcare services, particularly HIV prevention and treatment, following the enactment of a strict anti-homosexuality law. Despite efforts by organizations like JWEEG and COSF to provide necessary support, stigma, discrimination, and fear of persecution continue to hinder effective healthcare.

June 2024

Landmark Trial in South Africa and Uganda Finds Twice Yearly HIV Prevention Injection Safe and Highly Effective

Adding additional HIV prevention options means more people may find an option that is right for them. Beyond expanded choice, a twice-yearly injection has the potential to transform the way we deliver HIV prevention to people who need and want it most.

Prevention Option:

June 2024

Advocates’ Guide to DoxyPEP

Doxycycline is relatively inexpensive, easily tolerated, and widely available. It’s a promising tool to prevent bacterial STIs, including chlamydia and syphilis. However, many questions remain, including how DoxyPEP should be implemented equitably, if it is effective among cisgender women, and how it might impact the STI rates in low- and middle-income countries.

June 2024

The Pandemic Accord

As the World Health Assembly concluded the 2024 session in Geneva last week, member states failed to reach an agreement on the Pandemic Accord. Aimed at formalizing global agreements that would improve pandemic preparedness, prevention and response (PPPR), negotiations for the Pandemic Accord faltered around commitments to key equity measures. Member States agreed to extend the negotiations through 2024.

June 2024

Pride and a Transnational Anti-LGBTQ+ Reaction

For five decades LGBTQ+ communities and their allies have come together in June to celebrate Pride, to demand recognition of our human rights, and to honor Queer lives. It was movement that ignited out of a climate of fear and ignorance, one that de-humanized trans people and same-gender loving people and made possible their continual persecution.

Prevention Option:

June 2024

Announcing the Next Class of Advocacy Navigators

This group of 12 emerging advocates from nine countries was selected from 100s of interested applicants. They will be paired with six mentors, seasoned advocates who are alumni of AVAC’s Advocacy Fellows program.

June 2024

Tracking PrEP Rollout & Learning Lessons

Over the last two years, BioPIC—a project led by AVAC with support from the Gates Foundation—has been gathering and sharing evidence on these critical lessons to ensure the next generation of HIV prevention products reaches everyone who needs and wants them with much greater speed and equity.  

May 2024

Join Us for Our GPP Webinar Series

Good Participatory Practice Guidelines have been shaping and improving clinical research since 2007. They provide a global reference guide for ethical and effective stakeholder engagement, helping ensure the priorities of trial participants and their communities are centered in clinical trials and broader research agendas.

May 2024

Civil Society Voices at World Health Assembly

The annual World Health Assembly (WHA) is convening the last week of May in Geneva, Switzerland. As the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), amongst many other issues, the WHA will be attempting to finalize the Pandemic Accord after two years of ongoing negotiations.

May 2024

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Explore More News and Communications

P-Values Blog

Discover perspectives on the latest findings, biggest challenges and most exciting successes in our collective work.

Advocates Network

AVAC’s email list for organization and individuals interested in timely updates and critical perspectives on developments in biomedical HIV prevention.

Weekly News Digest

A comprehensive round-up of HIV prevention media coverage and scientific publications.


Each month this podcast uses interviews, discussion and first-person reflections to explore vital topics confronting the field of HIV prevention research.


PxWire is AVAC’s quarterly update on biomedical HIV prevention. Each issue highlights key developments, challenges and opportunities, and features a centerspread infographic that provides a visual tool for framing these issues.

Pandemic Watch

Pandemic Watch is a curated news digest on the latest pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPPR) news and resources.

Press Releases

A collection of official statements from AVAC.

AVAC in the News

Media clippings featuring AVAC, its staff and close partners in the news media.