AVAC’s Resource Database contains educational and advocacy materials covering a wide range of issues on biomedical prevention of HIV, STIs, COVID-19 and emerging health threats—from research to rollout.
To search for clinical trials and detailed information on products in development, visit our Prevention Research & Development Database
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Cabotegravir Volume
Allocation of non-commercial cabotegravir for PrEP supply in low- and middle-income countries, 2023-2026, as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on...
Prevention Option:

Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Regulatory Approval
Regulatory approvals, pending decisions, and appeals as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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Cabotegravir Regulatory Approval
Regulatory approvals and those pending for cabotegravir as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
Prevention Option:

Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Volume
DVR supply available to low- and middle-income countries as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
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Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Implementation
Ongoing and planned implementation studies for the dapivirine vaginal ring as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
Prevention Option:

Cabotegravir Implementation
Implementation studies completed, ongoing, or planned for cabotegravir as of December 2024. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
Prevention Option:

PrEP Price Comparison
Comparing the annual price of oral TDF/FTC vs. the dapivirine vaginal ring and injectable cabotegravir. For product approvals, volumes, implementation, and price comparisons of long-acting PrEP, visit our dashboard on
Prevention Option:

AVAC’s Most Downloaded Resources of 2024
From the implementation of DoxyPEP to the game-changing trial results of lenacapavir for PrEP, 2024 has been a landmark year for advancements in HIV and STI prevention. AVAC’s most downloaded resources capture these pivotal milestones, offering essential insights and tools to power your advocacy. Dive into the highlights and stay informed about the strategies shaping the future of HIV prevention.
PrEP Initiations by Country Worldwide
AVAC tracks global PrEP use by conducting quarterly surveys of ongoing oral PrEP demonstration and implementation projects, and collecting data from manufacturers and government agencies. This graphic shows data on PrEP initiations around the globe.
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PxWire Volume 14, Issue No. 4
In addition to an update on the PrEP pipeline, this issue of PxWire recaps the HIVR4P 2024 conference in Lima, Peru; introduces the People’s Research Agenda; and lists our Prevention Playlist, a wide range of resources to inform your decision making and action.
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