
AVAC’s Resource Database contains educational and advocacy materials covering a wide range of issues on biomedical prevention of HIV, STIs, COVID-19 and emerging health threats—from research to rollout.

To search for clinical trials and detailed information on products in development, visit our Prevention Research & Development Database


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PxPulse: The Advocacy Chronicles with Danielle Campbell from PrEP in Black America

In this episode of the Advocacy Chronicles, we’re putting the spotlight on the US, on the dismal statistics on access to PrEP in Black communities, on the state of HIV prevention among Black Americans overall, and the work of one advocacy group—...

Prevention Option:

October 2024

Moving a Product to the Real World

To reach the UNAIDS target of 10 million PrEP users by 2025, initiations of oral PrEP alone will not be enough—and this graphic shows that the field is beginning to apply past lessons to accelerate introduction of injectable cabotegravir.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

People’s Research Agenda

Led by AVAC alongside a network of partners, the People’s Research Agenda puts forward recommendations to diversify and strengthen the HIV prevention pipeline, enhance investment and financial support for HIV prevention research and development, and guide an advocacy strategy that truly addresses the needs of communities across the prevention pipeline.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

From Clinical Trial Efficacy to Public Health Impact: A Plan for Accelerating Access to Injectable Lenacapavir for PrEP

This plan provides a comprehensive view of all the moving parts and identifies priority actions and actors responsible for ensuring time is not wasted and opportunity not squandered.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

An Overview of Lenacapavir for PrEP Trials

The PURPOSE trials evaluate the safety and efficacy of injectable lenacapavir (LEN), an investigational antiretroviral (ARV) drug being studied as a potential PrEP product. This graphic shows the latest status of all five trials including the groundbreaking results of PURPOSE 1 and PURPOSE 2.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

Spotlight on MPTs Addressing STIs

This graphic outlines the development journey of multipurpose technologies (MPTs) that guard against STIs, including HIV, while also preventing pregnancy. It tracks the advancement of various potential products through different trial stages, emphasizing their combined protective roles.

October 2024

The Future of ARV-Based Prevention and More

The pipeline of non-vaccine HIV prevention products includes oral pills, vaginal rings, vaginal and rectal gels, vaginal films, long-acting injectable antiretrovirals and more. Also pictured are the range of MPTs in development that aim to reduce the risk of HIV and STIs and/or provide effective contraception for women.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

The Lens on LEN

In 2024, Gilead Sciences released findings from the PURPOSE 1 and PURPOSE 2 trials testing lenacapavir (LEN) as HIV prevention. The PURPOSE 1 trial found 100% efficacy in preventing HIV in 5,300 cisgender women in Uganda and South Africa, and the PURPOSE 2 trial showed a 96% reduction in HIV incidence among cisgender men, trans, and non-binary individuals across multiple countries. Both trials demonstrated LEN’s safety and effectiveness in reducing HIV transmission. This advocates’ primer provides background on the product and trials; a summary of the early findings of PURPOSE 1 & 2; key questions and next steps.

Prevention Option:

October 2024

Advocates’ Guide to Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs)

Multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) are products designed to simultaneously address more than one sexual and reproductive health concern. This advocates’ guide shows the pipeline of products in development, discusses why MPTs are needed, investment, and what advocates can do to push for MPT development and introduction.

October 2024

At A Glance: The MPT R&D Pipeline

This graphic shows the status of products in development.

October 2024

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