Promoting CSD500 Use Among Women in Established Relationships

Phase:Open Label
Principal Investigator(s):Maria Gallo, PhD
Objective:A new condom, CSD500, containing an erectogenic drug was developed for use among healthy couples to improve sexual pleasure by increasing penile firmness, size and erection duration. The overall objective of the proposed two-arm randomized trial is to test whether promoting the novel condom CSD500 for improved sexual pleasure results in couples having less unprotected vaginal sex.
Prevention Option(s):Condoms, MPTs
Study Design:Open label
Official Code: NCT02934620
Trial Sponsors: Chapel Hill, Ohio State University, University of North Carolina, Vietnam Ministry of Health
Start Date
End Date
March 3, 2017
March 3, 2020
Age range: 18 Years ↔ 45 Years
Population:Cisgender Men, Cisgender Women