Sisters Antiretroviral therapy Programme for Prevention of HIV –an Integrated Response (SAPPH-Ire)
Phase:Demo Project
Principal Investigator(s):Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research Zimbabwe; University College London; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; RTI; DFID; UNFPA
Objective:Seeks to enhance HIV treatment and prevention among 28,000 highway-based sex workers by increasing uptake and frequency of testing, demonstrate acceptability and feasibility of delivering PrEP, maximize retention in care, promote timely initiation of ART for those eligible, and maximize adherence to both ART and PrEP.
Prevention Option(s):PrEP
Study Design:
Arms and Assigned Interventions
Mode of Delivery
Official Code:
Trial Sponsors:
Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research Zimbabwe, DFID, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, RTI, UNFPA, University College London
Start Date
End Date
July 1, 2014
October 31, 2016
Age range:
15 Years ↔
24 Years
Population:Cisgender Women