Avac Event

The GPP Body of Evidence: GPP Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks, REAL and REAL2

GPP is an essential part of clinical trials research, and an ethical imperative to creating equitable and effective clinical trials. GPP is created by and for communities, so it necessarily looks different and takes multiple forms in different cultural contexts. This kind of responsiveness is inherent to GPP, but it also makes it difficult to measure and evaluate.

In this webinar, we learned from the Realist Review of Community Engagement and the REAL2 review of participatory research that both examined frameworks for evaluating community engagement efforts, as well as the Global Health Network’s new course on evaluation, and other evaluation efforts in the field of GPP.


  • Jessica Salzwedel, AVAC


  • Alun Davies, The Global Health Network
  • Sassy Molyneux, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
  • Dr. Robin Vincent, Oxford University

Recording / Alun Davies Slides / Sassy Molyneux Slides / Dr. Robin Vincent Slides