AIDS Vaccines by the Numbers: Trials, discoveries, money and more

We know that an AIDS vaccine is possible and that a vaccine will be an important part of a long-term strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. The road ahead is long, but clinical trials—even those with disappointing results—and early-stage research provide critical clues to the way forward. The graphics below represent key facts about the AIDS vaccine field.

Margarita Breakfast Club Session 1: Arrested Development: Discontinuation of the MOSAICO Trial, its Legacy and Expectations for HIV Vaccine Research

Monday, February 20 at 7:00–8:00am PT

AVAC, the CROI Community Liaison Subcommittees, European AIDS Treatment Group, and other partners hosted virtual Margarita Breakfast Clubs (MBCs) for the 2023 CROI meeting. Speaker details, recording, and resources for the first 2023 MBC below.

  • Moderator: Ntando Yola, Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation
  • Speakers: Dr. Susan Buchbinder, San Francisco Department of Public Health, Richard Jefferys, Treatment Action Group


Margarita Breakfast Club Session 3: The Data Gap: Filling in the Missing Perspectives on Women and Children in HIV Research

Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00–8:00am PT

AVAC, the CROI Community Liaison Subcommittees, European AIDS Treatment Group, and other partners hosted virtual Margarita Breakfast Clubs (MBCs) for the 2023 CROI meeting. Speaker details, recording, and resources for the third 2023 MBC below.

  • Moderator: Dawn Averitt, The Well Project, Women’s Research Initiative on HIV/AIDS
  • Speakers: Professor Lee Fairlie, WITS RHI, Imelda Mahaka, Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS Trust, Jane Kabami, Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration Uganda

Recording / Resources

Margarita Breakfast Club Session 2: Moving Forward: Upcoming Strategies on STI Prevention

Tuesday, February 21 at 7:00–8:00am PT

AVAC, the CROI Community Liaison Subcommittees, European AIDS Treatment Group, and other partners hosted virtual Margarita Breakfast Clubs (MBCs) for the 2023 CROI meeting. Speaker details, recording, and resources for the second 2023 MBC below.

  • Moderator: Jim Pickett, AVAC
  • Speakers: Dr. Jean-Michel Molina, University of Paris Cité, Jonathan Ayala, NMAC, CROI Community Educator Scholar

Recording / Slides

COMPASS Africa Newsletter (February 2023)

Year End Newsletter

In this issue: five end of the year SPARC stories, eight topline findings from the coalition health score card, in-country strategy labs and the all COMPASS strategy lab.

Re: Draft Recommendation Statement and Draft Evidence Review: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection

AVAC submits comment and response to the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) Draft Recommendation statement for PrEP. The USPSTF recommended an “A” Grade for PrEP that includes CAB for PrEP.

HIV Vaccines: An introductory factsheet

This is an updated introductory two-page document that describes HIV vaccines research and reviews key developments in the field.

Participant Application Form

Download the application here or click the link to the right of this page. Please note, you will need to download and fill the application on a laptop or desktop computer. It is not possible to use a mobile phone to fill out the application.

The Advocacy Navigator is an AVAC initiative combining training and mentorship to young and emerging advocates in the field of HIV prevention advocacy. The program involves three months of coursework and project development, followed by three months of “implementation” whereby Navigators implement all or a portion of their Community Advocacy Project plan with the support of their mentor. More information at

Biomedical HIV Prevention Research in 2022 and Beyond

This report provides a concise update on the full landscape of biomedical interventions: including PrEP products in the market and next-gen products in the pipeline—multipurpose products (MPTs), vaccines and broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Correlations between Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Initiations and Policies that Enable the Use of PrEP to Address HIV Globally

This article from PLoS Global Public Health presents the results of an analysis examining whether policies enabling broad PrEP eligibility, HIV self-testing, and lowered age of consent to HIV testing and treatment services are correlated with PrEP uptake.