Decolonizing Global Health in 2024 and Beyond

In the year ahead, staking out a course that will advance the HIV response and global health equity faces serious headwinds.

Coalition to Accelerate Access to Long-Acting PrEP

The Coalition to Accelerate Access to Long-Acting PrEP is an initiative that brings together leading donors, agencies, and advocates to ensure an accelerated, equitable, sustainable and collaborative approach to making longer-acting PrEP options accessible as quickly and as equitably as possible. The Coalition is convened by Unitaid, WHO, UNAIDS, Global Fund and PEPFAR, with AVAC as the Secretariat.

Coalition to Accelerate Access to Long-Acting PrEP

The Coalition to Accelerate Access to Long-Acting PrEP brings together leading donors, agencies, and advocates aimed at a practical goal: jointly develop strategies and take coordinated action to identify and overcome access challenges to just-approved and future PrEP options. AVAC serves as the Secretariat.

Find more information here.

What is PrEP Access Right Now and What’s Next in 2024?

AVAC is thrilled to see the launch of injectable cabotegravir for PrEP (injectable CAB) in Zambia—the first program outside of the US to do so. And the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation in South Africa recently announced “the first jab” of injectable CAB administered in its FASTPrEP study.

HIV Cure and the Environment

How location informs cure research

AVAC and REACH for the Cure hosted a webinar to discuss how the environment may impact HIV cure strategies. During this webinar, both organizations explored how clades, co-infections, early treatment, and other factors can help inform existing approaches to HIV cure research. Dr. Adam Ward of Weill Cornell Medicine shared the latest data followed by an informal conversation.

Recording / Dr. Adam Ward Slides

Mentor Application Form

Download the application here or click the link on the right of this page.

The Advocacy Navigator is an AVAC initiative combining training and mentorship to young and emerging advocates in the field of HIV prevention advocacy. Mentors will serve as advisors to the Navigators, supporting them as they go through their coursework and while they design and implement their Community Advocacy Project. More information at

Advocacy Navigator Call For Applications

Download the application here or click the link to the right of this page. Please note, you will need to download and fill the application on a laptop or desktop computer. It is not possible to use a mobile phone to fill out the application.

The Advocacy Navigator program is open to any individual interested in HIV prevention advocacy currently residing in Southern or Eastern Africa. This is a six month program with a three to four hour weekly time commitment. AVAC will provide online coursework in HIV prevention and advocacy and match participants with a mentor. Participants will receive a small project grant. More information at

Advocacy Navigator Call for Mentor Applications

The Advocacy Navigator program is open to any AVAC Alumni interested in serving as a mentor to emerging HIV prevention advocates currently residing in Southern or Eastern Africa. This is a six month program in HIV prevention advocacy. The mentor time commitment should be approximately one to two hours per week with the Navigator program participant. A modest communication and mentorship stipend is available. More information at

The “3 Ps” of EmPowerment, Partnership and Protection

Stakeholder Perceptions of Beneficial Outcomes of Engagment in HIV Prevention Trials

This article, co-authored by AVAC’s Jessica Salzwedel, presents stakeholders’ perspectives on the beneficial outcomes of stakeholder engagement in HIV prevention trials.

A Call to Greater Action

Mobilizing People of Faith to Build Networks to Protect Human Rights and Overcome Homophobia

A call to action for faith leaders from across the region to join in solidarity in defense of human rights and evidence-based HIV prevention, including for vulnerable populations.