mRNA technology is currently being studied for many different uses. Excerpted From the Lab to Jab series.
Other mRNA Vaccines in Development
How Do mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines Work?
A detailed graphic showing the biological mechanisms by which mRNA vaccines work. Excerpted From the Lab to Jab series.
Getting the COVID-19 Vaccines We Need
As of March 2023, the World Health Organization reported that there are 199 COVID-19 vaccines in pre-clinical development, and 183 in clinical trials. Most are injectable; but 16 candidates are intranasal, 5 are oral, 2 are inhalable, and 1 is an aerosol.
HIV Vaccine Research
HIV vaccine research is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration across many disciplines to develop a vaccine that protects people from HIV infection. The graphic outlines the different areas of research that are being pursued, including vaccine platforms, immune system research, clinical research capacity, and community engagement.
Excerpted From Lab to Jab.
Introducing From the Lab to the Jab: A new series of advocates’ guides
AVAC is excited to launch From the Lab to the Jab, a new series of advocates’ guides that highlight key advocacy issues to ensure equitable access to safe, effective, and affordable vaccines.

Co-created as part of our USAID-supported Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research (CASPR), with additional support from the New Venture Fund, From the Lab to the Jab issue briefs provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development and delivery of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines.
Go to to learn about next generation vaccine research and development; the basics of mRNA technology; initiatives that support local manufacturing; and understanding and overcoming barriers that undermine equitable access to vaccines. Each brief also highlights the advocacy needed to keep these efforts on track and in line with what communities need and want.
Stay tuned for an invitation to join the From the Lab to the Jab Webinar in January 2024, and be part of the conversation that will use these briefs to strengthen advocacy and create a roadmap to achieve key transformational priorities in global health.
Vaccine Research and Development: Key Lessons and Ways Forward
This issue brief on the vaccine research and development (R&D) process is one of a series of four briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the role of mRNA technology, the need for local vaccine production, and issues around global access.
Vaccine Access: What’s Working and What’s Next
This issue brief covers the web of issues that influence access to vaccines. It is one of a series of four issue briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the research and development (R&D) process, the role of mRNA technology; and the need for local vaccine production.
Vaccine Development History
A graphic showing the duration between discovery of the microbiologic cause of selected infectious diseases and the development of a vaccine.
Excerpted From the Lab to Jab.
mRNA Technology: What It Might Mean for Future Vaccines
This issue brief on mRNA technology covers what it is, how it works, current knowledge gaps and ideas for advocacy to harness its potential. It is one of a series of four issue briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the research and development (R&D) process, the need for local vaccine production, and issues around global access.
Local Vaccine Production: Harnessing Its Potential for Equity
This issue brief on local vaccine production covers the current state of local production, what is needed to facilitate it, and ideas for advocacy to harness its potential. It is one of four briefs in a series providing a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, TB and
other global public health threats, including approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines once developed. Additional topics cover the research and development (R & D) process, issues around global access; and the advent of the mRNA platform for vaccines.