More than 15,000 attendees convened in Munich, Germany and virtually from July 22 – 26 for AIDS 2024, the world’s largest conference on HIV/AIDS. The conference occured on the heels of the PURPOSE 1 PrEP trial announcement, one of the most important research results we’ve seen to date in an HIV prevention study. AVAC tracked discussion, debate and decision making on what’s next and how urgently the field moves to make the full range of PrEP products feasible choices for all people who need and want HIV prevention. We’ll also followed the latest scientific advances, efforts in decolonizing global health, successes in community-led initiatives, and much more.
Read on for resources and ways to navigate AIDS2024.

Daily Dispatches from the Conference
- Choice, Access and Equity at AIDS 2024
- LEN in the Spotlight at AIDS 2024
- First Full Day of AIDS 2024
- AIDS 2024 Preconference Highlights
- AVAC’s Prevention Roadmap provided a curated map on all things prevention at AIDS 2024. It’s available as a sortable spreadsheet or PDF.
- The Research-to-Rollout Literacy Networking Zone, convened by AVAC and CASPR partners, offered in-person and virtual programming including sessions on PrEP, the Dual Prevention Pill, HIV vaccine and cure research and more!
- AVAC provided updates in real time on Twitter at #AIDS2024 and Instagram. See AVAC’s comments and updates by following us at @HIVpxresearch.

Pre-conferences, Satellites, Sessions and Workshops Featuring AVAC and Partners
Saturday, July 20
- Pre-conference: Key Populations and HIV Prevention Pre-Conference, 08:00 – 16:00 CEST
Hosted by the Global Black Gay Men Connect (GBGMC) and Global KP HIV Prevention Advisory Group in partnership with AVAC, Fierte Afrique, CoalitionPlus, EpiC Project and Palladium, this day-long session will “demand and deliver: securing rights, funding and prevention” will cover rights, funding and prevention to ensure that key populations are not left behind.
- Pre-conference: Welcome to the Era of PrEP choice, 08:00 – 16:30 CEST
Hosted by the Gates Foundation, Unitaid, USAID, WHO and partners, this session covers the PrEP pipeline, learnings from the early delivery of oral PrEP and what’s needs to happen to ensure expeditious access to the range of PrEP options for all.
Sunday, July 21
- Pre-conference: Mobilize for action on sexually transmitted infections, 08:00 – 16:30 CEST
Organized by WHO, IAS and International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI), this session will share insights into the global impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), featuring new developments in STIs, including the latest WHO guidelines, what we know and don’t know about antimicrobial resistance and the use of DoxyPEP.
- Pre-conference: Towards a truly global HIV cure, 09:00 – 16:30 CEST
This pre-conference will reflect on current research directions, scientific and structural challenges associated with conducting HIV cure research and the importance of expanding and coordinating efforts across countries and regions.
Monday, July 22
- Satellite: New ways for the next wave: Innovative R&D for the future of women’s prevention, 09:30 – 10:30 CEST
Organized by CASPR (Coalition to Accelerate & Support Prevention Research) and MATRIX (Microbicide R&D to Advance HIV Prevention Technologies through Responsive Innovation and Excellence), this session will focus on new efforts to identify and develop promising women’s prevention options, strategically engage all stakeholders, decolonize R&D and involve potential users in all their diversities throughout the process.
- Satellite: Money, money, money: Building towards a sustainable end state for HIV prevention, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
As we look to 2030 and given stagnating or decreasing donor resources, we now face the question of how to ensure lasting impact with sustained access to PrEP. Hosted by AVAC, PATH, USAID, WHO and partners, this dynamic session will highlight critical HIV prevention financing gaps and showcase innovative financing and delivery solutions being rolled out to advance sustainable preventive services.
Wednesday, July 24
- Workshop: Two for the price of one: Simplifying access to HIV prevention and contraception with multipurpose prevention technologies, 10:00 – 11:30 CEST
Organized by AVAC, IPPF, Population Council, Clinton Health Access Initiative and partners, this workshop will leverage the expertise of HIV and sexual and reproductive health stakeholders to examine strategies for successfully introducing the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP) and use it as a model for delivering future MPTs.
- Special Session: AIDS 2024 Co-Chairs’ Choice, 10:30 – 12:00 CEST
Among exciting new developments, Linda Gail-Bekker will present, Twice-Yearly Lenacapavir or Daily Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide for HIV Prevention in Cisgender Women: Interim Analysis Results from the PURPOSE 1 Study.
- Satellite: People-centred and sustainable HIV prevention: Towards a new generation of prevention responses in a changing epidemic context, 12:00 – 13:00 CEST
Building on latest evidence and mathematical modelling analyses, this session will outline a new generation of people-centred and sustainable prevention, which will build on precise analysis of the epidemic and consider differentiated people-centered packages of services, delivery modalities and outreach. It’s hosted by the Gates Foundation, Global Prevention Coalition, UNAIDS and UNFPA.
Thursday, July 25
- Satellite: HIV prevention in the time of choice, 07:00 – 08:00 CEST
Organized by the African Women Prevention Accountability Board (AWPCAB) and IPM South Africa, this session will feature an expert panel discussing what is needed to make the current options available for all women and how to balance resources for expanding access to existing methods while simultaneously developing new methods.
- Oral abstract: Integrating social enterprise for sustainability of key population programmes, 15:00- 16:00
AVAC’s, Richard Muko will present the abstract, Country HIV response sustainability roadmaps: where are key populations in the conversations, which shares insights from a cross-country collaboration strengthening advocacy for key populations.
- Satellite: Ending AIDS as a public health threat: The role of a vaccine in the era of long-acting PrEP, 18:00 – 19:00
This session will bring together global experts and community stakeholders to tackle this question. Panelists will discuss emerging evidence and engage in lively debate on the potential need for and pathway to an HIV vaccine.