Events and Webinars
Upcoming Events and Webinars
Past Events
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Updates to the PEPFAR Stop-Work Order and the Role of CCM
Join AVAC, COMPASS and other partners to update CCMs on the PEPFAR freeze.
Prevention Option:
Introducing the Dual Prevention Pill: Lessons Learned and What’s Next for Regulatory, Research, and Rollout
This webinar has been cancelled because funding was pulled by the new US administration. Follow critical developments in US policies and their impact on global health via our new newsletter. Learn more here. Join the IMPT and guest speakers from...
Prevention Option:
I Am More Than HIV Prevention – Results from the HPTN 091 Study with Transgender Women
HPTN 091, the I Am study, evaluated the impact of a multicomponent HIV prevention strategy to increase the uptake and adherence of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among transgender women. The strategy included HIV prevention services,...
Prevention Option:
Understanding Anal Pleasure and Health for Clinicians, Behavioral Health Specialists, Peers & HIV Workers
Forty years into the epidemic, people are still seeking accurate, reliable information about anal play that isn’t just about HIV and STI prevention. They want to understand how to engage in ways that maximize pleasure and reduce harms beyond...
Update on Injectable Lenacapavir for PrEP
AVAC hosted a webinar focused on updates for the PURPOSE trials for injectable lenacapavir for PrEP. Gilead provided an overview of the PURPOSE 1 and 2 trial results and insight into the status of PURPOSE 3, 4, and 5. This was be an opportunity for...
Prevention Option:
True Choice in HIV Prevention Involves More than Product Options: Novel strategies in service delivery
The Choice Agenda and presenters from Brazil, Kenya, and South Africa discussed novel strategies for the delivery of HIV prevention interventions. All HIV prevention products have their “Achilles Heels.” Differentiated service delivery...
Prevention Option:
An Update on the STI R&D Pipeline and Investments
AVAC and Impact Global Health, previously Policy Cures Research, co-hosted a webinar on the current STI R&D pipeline. This discussion featured leading experts sharing the latest advancements in STI diagnostics and treatments, discussing their...
Launch of CIFF/Global Fund Initiative for the PrEP Ring
This webinar helped kick-off the launch of the PrEP Ring Early Market Access Vehicle (EMAV), recently announced by CIFF in partnership with the Global Fund. This initiative will provide up to US$2 million to purchase up to 150,000 dapivirine vaginal...
Integrating HIV and PrEP Services in US Correctional Facilities
This webinar will explore the integration of HIV prevention and PrEP services in diverse U.S. correctional settings and during the critical period following release. We'll also highlight innovative HIV status-neutral approaches, fostering holistic...
Prevention Option:
Vaccinology of HSV
Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, a professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, turned her focus to SARS-CoV-2 soon after reading the first reports coming out of China, before COVID-19...
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