AVAC’s Resource Database contains educational and advocacy materials covering a wide range of issues on biomedical prevention of HIV, STIs, COVID-19 and emerging health threats—from research to rollout.
To search for clinical trials and detailed information on products in development, visit our Prevention Research & Development Database
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Years Ahead in HIV Prevention Research: Time to Market
This timeline shows the potential time points when the next-generation of HIV prevention options might find their way into new programs.
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PrEP Initiations by Country Worldwide
AVAC tracks global PrEP use by conducting quarterly surveys of ongoing oral PrEP demonstration and implementation projects, and collecting data from manufacturers and government agencies. This graphic shows data on PrEP initiations around the globe.
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PxWire Volume 14, Issue No. 3
In addition to an update on the PrEP pipeline, this issue of PxWire discusses the impact of policies on PrEP uptake, contrasting Uganda’s disastrous Anti-Homosexuality Act with the positive impact of other countries’ comprehensive anti-discrimination policies.
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Generic Cabotegravir Timelines
As CAB for PrEP is a long-acting, extended-release injection, bioequivalence (BE) testing takes time to determine whether the generic drug functions in the body similarly to the original drug. As shown in this timeline graphic, the BE study (as determined by WHO guidance) is the longest part of the development process for generic CAB. But other steps, such as selecting and licensing generic manufacturers and technology transfer could be done faster.
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What Happens to PrEP Initiations in Countries with Anti-Discrimination Policies?
Among 134 countries reviewed, 42 have comprehensive anti-discrimination policies covering a broad range of populations, while 24 lack any such policies. The remaining countries have adopted partial measures. Nations with comprehensive anti-discrimination policies, document significantly higher rates of PrEP initiation compared to those without such protections.
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Navigating the PrEP Landscape—PrEPWatch is here to help!
With a growing number of PrEP products in development and approved for use in various countries, and an increase in PrEP initiations worldwide, the future of PrEP has never been more exciting. Check out our newly redesigned PrEPWatch website to help navigate the latest research, policy developments, implementation strategies, and advocacy efforts worldwide.
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HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Policies Worldwide
An analysis presented at IAS2024, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Policies Worldwide, by the Georgetown University Center for Global Health Policy & Politics has found 69% of 194 countries reviewed have approved at least one PrEP product. But only 52% of the countries reviewed follow WHO guidance on PrEP eligibility with regulatory approvals and national policies that support PrEP eligibility for all populations or people at risk.
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PrEP Justice
In a major twist that could potentially result in as much as $1B for equitable PrEP access in the US, the government has just made the decision to appeal last year’s jury verdict in the US v. Gilead case. The Choice Agenda and PrEP4All discussed the origin of US v. Gilead, the reasons for the government appeal, and what the case means for PrEP users in the United States.
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The Future of ARV-Based Prevention and More
The pipeline of non-vaccine HIV prevention products includes oral pills, vaginal rings, vaginal and rectal gels, vaginal films, long-acting injectable antiretrovirals and more. Also pictured are the range of MPTs in development that aim to reduce the risk of HIV and STIs and/or provide effective contraception for women.
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The Lens on LEN
In late June 2024, Gilead Sciences announced an early review of the data of the PURPOSE 1 trial by an independent monitoring board, which found that injectable lenacapavir (LEN) provided as prevention was safe and highly effective against HIV. No infections were seen among trial participants those receiving LEN. This advocates’ primer provides further background on the product and trials, raises key questions, and explores next steps.
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