HIV leaders say it’s time to end the long wait for long acting products

Dear Advocate, 

How do we translate recent scientific advances in long-acting HIV prevention and therapy into public health impact? Read answers in this new The Lancet HIV commentary from a distinguished group of authors including our Executive Director, Mitchell Warren, AVAC board members, Linda-Gail Bekker, Solange Baptiste Simon, with partners Francois Venter, Kenly Sikwese, and others: The long wait for long-acting HIV prevention and treatment formulations. 

Major advances in long-acting HIV treatment and prevention, including the latest PURPOSE 1 results of lenacapavir for PrEP, hold great promise for achieving global targets. However, planning to coordinate among stakeholders, including pharmaceutical companies, governments, and multilateral organizations to deploy and ensure equitable access to these products, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, requires immediate action.  

“Civil society organisations and HIV activists have been instrumental in holding pharmaceutical companies, financial donors, governments, and international organisations accountable for commitments to the international HIV treatment response for decades,” the authors write. “These organisations and activists are needed to promote transparency in pricing, challenge restrictive patent practices, advocate for affordable and widespread availability of drug innovations, prevent companies from restricting broad access to medications, and require funding to allow this work to be done independently.” 

Key Messages

  • Long-acting antiretrovirals are perhaps the greatest advance in HIV care in over a decade and provide great promise towards achieving global HIV prevention and control programme targets. 
  • Current long-acting agents are firmly under the control of originator pharmaceutical companies and remain unavailable or cost-prohibitive across much of the globe. 
  • If action from the broader HIV community is stagnant, the populations who are most in need of these long-acting agents are unlikely to receive any benefit until well into the 2030s, resulting in a large number of preventable HIV infections. 
  • Coordination by international agencies, with assistance from relevant financial donors and stakeholders, will be needed in the complex research and access programmes required to provide widescale use of these indispensable products to people living with HIV or affected by HIV. 

Resources on Long-Acting HIV Prevention

The Lens on LEN: this primer for advocates shares the basics on injectable lenacapavir as PrEP.

Long-Acting PrEP Status Update: this webpage shares graphics and information synthesizing the current status of long-acting PrEP products. It’s updated quarterly.

PrEP Products Overview: this page on PrEPWatch shares the status of PrEP products in development and approved.
Injectable Cabotegravir Evidence Gap Tracker: this webpage summarizes the latest insights from the Biomedical Prevention Implementation Collaborative (BioPIC) on injectable CAB for PrEP, links to learn more, and information on where evidence is still needed, mapped against priority evidence gaps.

Years Ahead in HIV Prevention Research: Time to Market: this downloadable graphic shows the potential time points when the next-generation of HIV prevention options might find their way into new programs.

New Peer-Reviewed Articles, Upcoming Webinars & More!

Dear Advocate,  

AVAC and partners authored three new peer-reviewed articles this month on a range of HIV prevention issues. From the potential and challenges of long-acting formulations in HIV care, to the benefits of delivering family planning AND PrEP using pharmacies, e-pharmacies and private sector clinics, to the necessity for gender-transformative approaches to ensure effective and equitable participation of women in biomedical prevention trialsthese are must-read pieces. Scroll down for more and mark your calendars for four webinars coming up, including this week!

The Long Wait for Long-Acting HIV Prevention and Treatment Formulations

This commentary in The Lancet HIV calls on WHO, financial donors, manufacturers, and governments to take coordinated action to make long-acting HIV prevention and treatment available at scale in lower- and middle-income countries.

Harnessing Private Sector Strategies for Family Planning to deliver the Dual Prevention Pill

The latest edition of the Journal of the International AIDS Society features newly published research by AVAC and partners on the benefits of delivering family planning and PrEP using pharmacies, e-pharmacies and telemedicine, in addition to private sector clinics. The research demonstrates why these delivery methods should be prioritized for rolling out the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP), a daily pill that combines oral PrEP with an oral contraceptive to prevent both unintended pregnancy and HIV. 

Meta-analysis of Pregnancy Events in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Gender Transformative Trials

CASPR partners authored new research published in AIDS and Behaviorhighlighting the need for clinical trial teams to balance the goals of generating scientific evidence with participants’ fertility choices. The authors argue that to better support participants, trials should adopt strategies that accommodate changing fertility preferences, plan for pregnancies, and consider the ethical implications of allowing pregnant participants to continue in studies. This approach would contribute to a more gender-transformative approach to pregnancy in HIV prevention trials.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Webinar

TOMORROW, August 27: Opportunities to Expand Equitable Access to HIV Prevention Services through Community Pharmacies 
Join The Choice Agenda and RxEACH, a national coalition effort working to expand and sustain access to HIV prevention and linkage to care services in community pharmacies for a webinar discussing the opportunity to expand equitable access to HIV prevention services, including PrEP, and what is needed to grow and sustain community-based HIV prevention service programs in pharmacies. 

August 29: Let’s Talk LEN: What global advances in HIV prevention mean for Black communities in the US
Join PrEP in Black America, Black Public Health, Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP), AVAC, and APHA, this webinar will explore the implications of the groundbreaking results from the PURPOSE 1 trial of Lenacapavir for US Black populations.
August 29: PrEP Your Booty
Join The Choice Agenda and HPTN 106 (REV UP), an innovative clinical trial from the HIV Prevention Trials Network that will investigate the safety and acceptability of a tenofovir-based rectal douche for HIV prevention, for a discussion with researchers leading the study.
September 11: Innovations in GPP
Join AVAC and champions of Good Participatory Practices (GPP) as they illustrate the evolution of GPPS from CABs and town hall meetings to more innovative and partnership-based approaches.

Pandemic Accord Priority for 2025

As members of the Coalition of Advocates for Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness, a group of organizations advocating for an integrated and holistic approach to preparedness that emphasizes equity, inclusion, and synergies of multiple global health programs in advancing preparedness, we share the following asks with regard to the ongoing Pandemic Accord negotiations after their extension past May 2024.

Avac Event

Vaccinology of HSV

Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, a professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, turned her focus to SARS-CoV-2 soon after reading the first reports coming out of China, before COVID-19 surfaced in the United States. Though she has long been recognized for her work within the scientific community, her work around COVID-19 has raised her media profile considerably. She is frequently quoted by newspapers and reporters, and has amassed a huge Twitter following of people seeking out her research updates. (Iwasaki believes that public education is a key ingredient for slowing the spread of the virus.)

This webinar is in partnership with Herpes Cure Advocacy.

Avac Event

Innovations in GPP

This webinar featured speakers from around the world with experience implementing GPP at research sites, within networks, and at the sponsorship level.

They illustrated how GPP can expand beyond the more familiar (but always reliable) CABs and town hall meetings to newer ideas like partnership-based approaches, the creation of a community scorecard, and more.

Moderator and Presenter:

  • Ntando Yola, Desmond Tutu Health Foundation


  • Sarah Read, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • Clever Chilende, Treatment Advocacy & Literacy Campaign (TALC)

Recording / Clever Chilende Slides / Sarah Read Slides / Ntando Yola Slides

What Happens to PrEP Initiations in Countries with Anti-Discrimination Policies?

Among 134 countries reviewed, 42 have comprehensive anti-discrimination policies covering a broad range of populations, while 24 lack any such policies. The remaining countries have adopted partial measures. Nations with comprehensive anti-discrimination policies, document significantly higher rates of PrEP initiation compared to those without such protections. Key studies show a strong link between supportive policies (which can enable PrEP eligibility, HIV self-testing, and lower age of consent for treatment, for example) and higher PrEP initiations.

Press Release

Heeding Community Advocates’ Calls, CDC Funds PrEP Pilot Program, Allows Funds to Pay for Generic Medications

For media inquiries contact Michael Chancley at [email protected] 

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – For the first time ever, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will allow for funding to pay for generic PrEP medications as part of a new supplemental funding opportunity aimed at quickly scaling up equitable PrEP access in four jurisdictions. Advocates have been calling for such an initiative to serve as a pilot for a National PrEP Program for un- and underinsured individuals; a key component of which would involve the implementation of a user-friendly PrEP Pass that could eliminate cost and complexity as a barrier to medications, HIV testing, necessary lab work, and provider visits. 

Along with a previous decision by CDC allowing for grant funds to go toward ancillary PrEP services, this initiative marks the first time that jurisdictions will be able to purchase affordable, high quality generic medications– priced at less than $20 per month– to create a common sense public health approach to PrEP scale up that avoids navigating complex, fragmented coverage options. 

The initiative will also fund coordinators within health departments to advance the project in partnership with community partners and empower them to conduct a comprehensive review of insurance barriers to PrEP coverage.   

Leading advocacy organizations for a National PrEP Program, including PrEP4All, AVAC, HIVMA, and the PrEP in Black America coalition, enthusiastically support the initiative and urge eligible health departments to apply before the August 31st deadline. 

“This is a real opportunity to make an impact in our national efforts to scale up PrEP and end HIV as an epidemic. The entire advocacy community, after years of building an evidence base for this sort of approach to equitable uptake, is ready to take the successes and lessons learned from this initiative to Congress to advocate for a national program.” explains John Meade, Senior Program Manager for Policy at AVAC and co-founding member of PrEP In Black America.

Although both the application and project implementation timelines are short, advocates are hopeful that health departments will apply to be part of this historic initiative. 

“We think it’s important for any department thinking of applying to note that the notification of funding opportunity (NOFO) specifically includes selection criteria prioritizing jurisdictions in the Deep South and states that have not expanded Medicaid- meaning that it’s well worth it for those priority jurisdictions to get an application in. Also, there is flexibility on the timeline for grant implementation through 2026, so the short window shouldn’t discourage anyone.” says Michael Chancley, Communications and Mobilization Manager for PrEP4All and co-founding member of PrEP In Black America. 

“Our organizations want to sincerely thank the CDC for listening to our advocacy for this pilot and for also affirming that expanding PrEP infrastructure can help scale up novel sexual health interventions like doxy PEP. In particular, we really appreciate the efforts of Dr. Robyn Neblett Fanfair, who as the Director of the Division of HIV Prevention has undoubtedly worked hard to get this NOFO released after Congressional delays in passing the FY24 complicated matters further,” added Colleen Kelley, MD, MPH, FIDSA, HIVMA Chair-Elect.

In addition to the PrEP Pass, advocates have called for the initiative to expand prescriber access points throughout communities, including through leveraging innovative use of telehealth, and to develop campaigns made by and for PrEP users and potential PrEP users from underserved communities. 

“This initiative aligns squarely with what the PrEP advocacy community has identified as what’s needed. Our organizations are ready to work with health departments to help provide context on how this grant opportunity came to be and why it is so important in advancing our movement for a National PrEP Program. We look forward to doing everything we can to support the innovative public health leaders who are ready to take full advantage of this opportunity.” says Jeremiah Johnson, MPH, PrEP4All Executive Director.

Read the full press release in PDF format here.

Avac Event

PrEP Your Booty – The Launch of HPTN 106 “Rev Up”

HPTN 106 (REV UP) is an innovative clinical trial from the HIV Prevention Trials Network that will investigate the safety and acceptability of a tenofovir-based rectal douche for HIV prevention among cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men. This webinar featured researchers leading the study.

Dr. Craig Hendrix, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Mark Marzinke, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Jim Pickett, The Choice Agenda

HIV Prevention Trials Network

Recording  / Webinar Slides / Resources

Avac Event

Let’s Talk LEN: What global advances in HIV prevention mean for Black communities in the US

Groundbreaking results from the PURPOSE 1 trial conducted among cisgender Ugandan and South African women have changed the injectable PrEP global landscape. This webinar explored the implications of these findings for US Black populations.

This webinar was co-hosted by PrEP in Black America, Black Public Health, Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP), AVAC, and APHA.

Recording / Bekker Resource / Campbell Resource

African Networks of People Living with HIV Seek Resource Commitments in the Fight to End HIV

A coalition of African People Living and Affected with HIV released a statement during the 25th International AIDS Conference to extend gratitude to the international community for their contributions in ending the epidemic globally, but also highlighted several concerns including the need for sustained investment, efforts to push for a 5-year PEPFAR reauthorization, and advocating for key populations as they face increased discrimination.

Read the full statement here.