Syphilis in the US: The current state of the epidemic and how it’s being addressed
Tuesday, April 16, 1:00PM ET
This webinar examined the current state of the syphilis epidemic in the US and how the National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Federal Task Force is addressing the response.
Speakers included: Kate Miele and LCDR Neelam Gazarian
This webinar was co-hosted with ASHA (American Sexual Health Association).
Recording / Slides
DoxyPEP: Prevention, effectiveness, and AMR
Thursday, April 18, 3:00PM ET
This webinar focused on sharing the latest scientific insights on DoxyPEP, its effectiveness in preventing STIs, and considerations around AMR.
Speakers included: Fabian Kong, Annie Luetkemeyer, and Connie Celum
Recording / Fabian Kong Slides / Connie Celum Slides
Sexually Transmitted Infections: What You Should Know About STIs and Testing
Friday, April 26, 10:00AM ET
AVAC and ASHA hosted a webinar to discuss STIs and testing with Chase Cannon, MD, MPH and Stacey Grinder, PhD, MPH.